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She woke, not knowing where she was. Her mouth was dry and her head hurt, but she was alive.

"Awake, are you?" said a soft voice.

She lifted her head and saw the prince looking at her intently, those piercing blue eyes staring right through her soul. His handsome face looked dangerous, full of secrets.

She brushed away the absurd thought and nodded at him. Then she looked around. She was lying in his bed, soft sheets covering her body.

He noticed her gaze.

"You fainted," he said, watching her closely.

She bit her lip. Something felt wrong, utterly, inexplicably wrong.

"What is it?" he asked her sharply.

She shook her head.

"Well, I must be off. It was a pleasure meeting you."

She stared at him flatly.

"I am leaving the academy," he said slowly.

She knew she should say something but her mouth simply wouldn't work. He nodded in understanding.

"You've been out for almost two days. It can take a while for you to… adjust."

She nodded.

"Well, then, I suppose I have to say goodbye. Take care of yourself and your friends."

She wordlessly let him leave. She lay there for a few moments, still frantically thinking of what the hell was wrong with her, why there was a sense of emptiness in her mind.

Struck by a sudden thought, she leaped up from the bed and headed over to the large windows draped with black curtains and pulled them back.

The sunset was lovely but she ignored it as she saw the gates being opened for the prince. As soon as the carriage rolled away, her heart eased a bit.

Nevertheless, she raised a hand in farewell. She knew they would meet again soon.

                           End of Part 1

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