The Sex

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POV: Hayley 

I woke up to another sound coming from downstairs. Donato had invited Richard to dinner once Hunter agreed to be calm around him. He was freaking out because of Jewel's labor potentially starting. 

Everyone was busy downstairs, preparing for this 'intense' visit. I sat up and slowly removed the needle from my hand. I was still on glucose, still having problems eating a full meal, it was overwhelming me for some reason. 

I found glucose to be much better, it made me feel better and stronger. I drank some water and went to the closet. I wanted to wear something good tonight. "You're up already?" I heard him ask me as he stood near the closet door. 

"I just woke up," I answered him and scanned through all of my clothes. 
"You feel well?" He asked and pulled me closer in a sudden hug. I felt his genuine concern in his voice. 

I couldn't help but see a glimpse of worry on his face. "I'm good. You're back early?" I asked. He didn't give me any answer, instead cupped my chin with his right hand and kissed me shut. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his head. 

"I got done early." He answered as he let go of my lips and caressed my busted lip with his thumb. 
"Why did you go, anyway?" I asked him, turning back to the closet.

"Just to arrange for some things to be shipped out." 
"Like?" I questioned, not being convinced. 
"I was sending out some arms." He smirked slightly. 

"What's that smirk for then?" I asked and turned to him, a dress in my hand. 
"I brought you something." He said and gave me a bag. "It's a dress for you, a very reminiscent dress." 

I nodded and moved my nails slowly up and down on his forearm. "So you would let me attend right?" 
"Not particularly for Richard but the food." He said; I chuckled. I put the bag down on the floor and hugged him. 

"I'm ready." 
"For?" Dona asked. 
"To discuss our plan for Xavier." I felt him sigh and tighten the hug. 
"Tomorrow, please? Let's enjoy this dinner." H suggested. 

"I'd love that." I smiled at him and pecked his lip. "Now, let me try on that dress. You should shower." He nodded and went out of the closet. 

I closed the door shut and undressed. I opened the bag and took out the dress, laying it out on the counter in the middle of the room. It reminded me of the same red dress I wore at that gathering. 

It was almost a replica of that dress, just a few shades darker than that dress. I smiled to myself and put on the dress. I was just about to admire myself in the mirror when a knock interrupted me. 

I opened the door and found his eyes gazing at me. "You're staring, Boss," I said and chuckled. 
"Should I not?" He said as I walked back to the mirror. 
"This dress is very reminiscent of something," I said, fitting the dress properly on my chest. 

"Something like?" He asked. 
"The gathering, the fights, and the sex." He suddenly zipped down the dress and kissed my bare back. 
"I only heard the last part tho." I chuckled at his words and felt his fingers move down my back. 

He moved his hand further down, reaching my hip bone. I let out a soft gasp as he started to slowly touch me. "I'll let you know tho." 
"What?" I looked at him in the mirror as he slowly kissed my neck, still touching me. 

"If I rip this dress apart, you can blame your ex-roommate." I couldn't help but bite my lip at his statement. 
"I was going to go take a shower," I said, teasing him. 
"Then you should have the perfect reason to clean up." He said before he pushed me forward, pinning my chest against the mirror. 

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