Chapter Eight

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Dominique's Pov

I woke up still comfortably wrapped around Zakari. I smiled at the moment since I'd expect her to get up or move, especially after what Malaysia said.

I looked around trying to find my phone, when I did I looked at the time seeing it was ten in the morning. It made sense since we stayed up until four watching scary movies and simply having fun.

I also saw a text message from Laemoni, I decided to reply, seeing that it was a 'Good Morning' text. I sent her 'Good Morning' back before getting up to do normal hygiene stuff.

I shook Zakari awake which made her blink slowly, look up at me, get up, and tell me 'Good morning'. 

Who wakes up like that?

"Good morning," I replied with a bit of confusion since if I was in her situation, I would be annoyed that someone woke me out of my sleep. "I'm guessing you need a toothbrush and all that other stuff?" She asked, starting to walk away from me which instinctively made me follow her.

"You guessed right," I replied, being led to the guest bathroom's closet. She opened the door, and there I saw everything I needed. I grabbed what was needed, looked at Zakari, and shut the bathroom door pushing her out. 

I took the time to take a nice shower, obviously brush and floss my teeth, and that's when I realized I didn't have clothes. 

I picked up my phone and called Zakari.


"Zakari I don't have any clothes." I heard her chuckle on the other side which made me roll my eyes.

"Hold on, here I c—" I hung up on her since she thought it was funny.

It took this girl literally twenty minutes to finally knock on the door and hand me some clothes. So when she finally came, I pulled her into the bathroom.

"Why did you take forever Zakari?!" I was beyond aggravated because who the hell takes that long?

No one, that's who.

"I had things to do too." She stated giving me a sarcastic smile.

"Like what?" I gripped my towel before pushing her into the shower. "

I started getting dressed, still waiting for an answer. "For starters I had to take a shower and brush my own teeth." 

"Twenty minutes Zakari," I looked towards the shower as if she was looking back at me. "Yeah. Twenty minutes." Dressed in Zakari's sweatpants and a croptop, I ripped open the shower curtain. "Imma beat the fuck outta you Kari." She rolled her eyes walking past me.

"I was making breakfast which took majority of the time." Where there's food, I'll follow, so that's exactly what I did. I picked up my phone and clothes; I had to ask Zakari where the washer was, and all she did was be extra. 

I ended up asking Micaiah who was more straightforward and actually helpful. After doing all that boring stuff, I video called Laemoni while eating the breakfast Zakari said she made.

"Where are you?" I asked Laemoni wondering why there was so much shuffling and movement on her side. "I'm at the grocery store." She smiled at me before showing me some pancake mix. 

We continued texting before I got a text from Nyeemah. Since I'd rather FaceTime, I ended the call with Laemoni and began one with Nyeemah. 

"Wassup?" I smiled at her wondering why she's calling me. "Well, there's some things that need to be discussed," she stated, propping her camera up to show both her and Malaysia.

I raised my eyebrows not knowing exactly what we were going to discuss, but connected my headphones knowing it was somewhat private. 

"Alright," I trailed, taking a bite of my pancakes. 

After a moment of silence, I became even more confused. Surprisingly not irritated since my time was being wasted. 

A long sigh later, words were finally said, "Have you met Laemoni?"

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