Chapter Seven

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Dominique's Pov

Zakari opened the door, let me enter and hugged the girl that Aaron pulled up with. "It's been forever," the two hugged each other while rocking side to side. It was probably the first time I've ever seen Zakari smile so hard. 

It was cute; since most of her 'smiles' are sarcastic.

"I know, its been too damn long." Still watching the two, Zakari cut the hug short before looking at the girl with her eyebrow raised, "Watch ya mouth." 

"Girl I'm eighteen and mom ain't here," I chuckled at the fact that I cuss and someone doesn't have a problem with it. The girl walked to me hearing me chuckle, "And you are?" She asked smiling brightly. "My name is Dominique, and you?" 

"I'm Yazmine, Zakari's younger sister," she looked back at Zakari who shut and locked the front door. "Nice to meet you," I smiled walking to where Aaron and everyone else was at.

 Upon entering the living room, Nyeemah ran to me, "Girl," she looked at me and then at Zakari. I followed her eyes, seeing the glare Kari was giving her. "You know what, nevermind."

Although I was confused, I sat on the couch with everyone else.  

After a while of talking to everyone and getting the snacks and blankets situated, it was time to pick a movie. "So—your date," Zakari trailed bringing up the irritation that had went away. "Broke boy couldn't pay the check and dipped." I shrugged keeping it short. 

"Damn, broke ass," Malaysia muttered getting comfortable beside me. "He too broke for a restaurant check? He prolly snuck into the movie theater if that's the case." I laughed at the idea; that could literally be true, and that's the saddest part. 

Aaron busted out laughing with Micaiah doing the same. Even Yazmine started to laugh. I looked over at Zakari realizing everyone was laughing except for her. She had a somewhat serious, yet irritated look on her face.

"What movie should we watch?" Aaron wheezed, still trying to catch his breath. "Ion know about y'all, but I'm feelin a scary movie." Nyeemah stated before comfortably snuggling beside me. "Me too," I agreed, even though we just watched a scary movie at the movie theater.

"I'm fine wit anything," Micaiah uttered snuggling beside Malaysia. 

They are so cute.

"Well 'The Open House' and 'Hush' look good, so that's what we gonna watch." Aaron chose 'The Open House' movie to start off movie night. 

Sometime around the middle of the movie, the front door opened. It scared the absolute shit out of me due to the movie we were watching. 

I looked up seeing a gorgeous grown woman open and lock the door. She made eye contact with me and everyone else in the living room. "Sorry I'm late, turns out I had more to do than planned." 

"It's fine Momma J, as long as you brought some food." Aaron walked into the kitchen following her. Before I knew it, so was I, with everyone following. 

The woman who I assumed was Zakari's mom, turned around rolling her eyes upon seeing all of us in the kitchen. "Always following me." 

"Momma J, this our new friend Dominique. Dominique our shared mom, Momma J," Aaron introduced the two of us. I wasn't able to shake her hand since I was brought into a hug, "I've been waiting to see you, I know you're Zakari's friend." She whispered to me in the middle of the tight hug. I smiled loving the affection. 

"You must be pretty good if Aaron is calling you a friend." Momma J smiled at both Aaron and I. "Its not my fault I needa know a person for more than a few days to call them my friend." He acted offended with his hand on his chest.

"Well she's specifically Zakari's friend," Aaron and Micaiah said in unison, giving eachother a hinting look. "Zakari better hold her tight before she become our friend." Nyeemah and Malaysia laughed. 

"So momma I don't exist?" Yazmine asked sarcastically. "Not with all that attitude you don't," Momma J chuckled before hugging Yazmine tightly. 

I looked around seeing Zakari, Aaron, and Micaiah were back in the living room. I went to join them, getting beside Kari since she wanted to take my spot. To annoy her, I went all in her space: laying on her chest, arms wrapped around her, just comfortable. 

Her not moving surprised me which made me try to give her space. It resulted in her holding me back in place, wrapping her arms around me. 

I'm not clingy, but I can damn sure get used to this.

"Get a room."

Well fuck you too Malaysia.

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