Chapter Six

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Dominique's Pov

Sitting alone at the restaurant table is not how I thought tonight would go. 

Although I've been here for almost three hours, I've been waiting for two. Truth is Tyler was here, he just left. 

Someone couldn't split the check.

The only reason I'm still here is because I'm just stuck and confused. Confused at the fact that I even went on a date with Tyler knowing my interest in someone else.

I was looking down at my lap while thinking since I already texted Kari, I just had to wait. 

I heard someone sit beside me, thinking it was Zakari, I simply slumped beside them. That was until I felt a hand of acrylic nails touch mine. I looked up seeing the waiter. Feeling a sense of comfort, I scooted closer to her which made her embrace a hug. 

"What happened to your date?" She whispered breaking the silence around us. Not wanting to really talk, I shrugged not knowing. I glanced up and saw her nod. 

After I glanced at her, I became stuck again. This time on her and not my feelings or thoughts. Girl is pretty: pretty makeup, gorgeous brown hair, and amber eyes. 

After a while I lifted my head up from her chest, and met her eyes. "Why did you come to me?" I asked genuinely wanting to know. "Girl," she sighed, "I've been in the same predicament, same situation." I rolled my eyes knowing I'd never stand her up. 

"What?" She questioned me with her eyebrows raised, "It's the truth."

"It's not that I don't believe you, its just," I paused not really knowing what to say next. "Just?" She trailed knowingly. "It's just something I'd personally never do." 

My response made us both laugh. Thankfully she's catching what I'm throwing. 

We continued talking for some time until it was time for her to close the restaurant. "Can I take you home?" She asked me; I was enjoying her presence, so I agreed. 

I may be a little naive. 

She led me to her car and drove me to the address I gave her. It was a cafe that was walking distance from Zakari's house. "What's your name?" Her question caught me somewhat off guard since we're just now getting to names. "My name is Laemoni." 

"I'm Dominique. Your name is really pretty though." She smiled which made me do the same. "How old are you?" I guess she's asking the questions now. "I'm eighteen, and you?"

"I'm nineteen turning twenty in September." Her saying her birthday month made me realize, I don't know Zakari's birthday month. Speaking of her I need to tell her that she doesn't have to pick me up anymore. "Damn, September. I'm a December baby." I stated pulling out my phone. 

Me: You don't have to pick me up anymore

Kari😍😩: You good?

Kari😍😩: Why did you need a ride in the first place?

"Not Zakari caring about me", I thought to myself rolling my eyes.

Me: I'll tell you at the sleepover. 

Kari😍😩: Alright, I'll see you here

I swear she had work today. I looked at the date and time seeing it was almost midnight. She works until one in the morning, so I have a few questions for her.

"We're here," Laymoni stated, pulling up to the cafe's curb. "Thank you for the ride." I stated before opening the door. I turned around forgetting her number. "Can I have your number?" 

She gave my phone back after saving her contact under the name "Monii🐻". I smiled and told her to drive safely. 

I started the short walk to Zakari's house after video calling her. 

" Why are you at the cafe?" She asked with her eyebrow raised. "Because a new friend just dropped me off." I saw Zakari roll her eyes which made me laugh. "You're always making friends. Friendly ass." She muttered the last part under her breath. 

"There is nothing wrong with me being friendly. Knowing you, you're probably still hanging wit your friends from middle school." I retorted mugging her. "And is!" I heard Nyeemah busted out laughing causing me to do the same. 

During the call, Nyeemah and Malaysia just had me cackling. They were frying Zakari and everyone else up. It was nice since it lifted my spirit after you-know-who did you-know-what.

Knocking at Zakari's door, I turned to see a car pull up. I was confused until I saw Aaron's happy face in the driver's seat. Then I became more confused when I saw a girl in the passenger's seat. 

I thought Aaron was gay.

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