Chapter 31- The Way Forward

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      "I see," Jae slowly reclined into the chair, letting out a quiet, long exhale.

       "Ah, but I suppose you want to know about the Light Elves' relationship with the Hidden, specifically," Lanying stood up, her appearance restored to its usual majesty. "The Hidden are in a grey area for the Light Elves, as they all come from other Elf groups, so they cannot be classified as Demons. So, rather than trying to kill them, the Light Elves yearn to understand them and figure why there have been so few Hidden among their own people," she began to pace around. "This was, unfortunately carried out through grueling experiments that often resulted in death or lives irreconcilably changed. Nobody volunteered to be studied, so vulnerable members of the Hidden were routinely captured and tested on. And so, one day, the Hidden became sick of it and rebelled against the Light Elves," she turned to Jae. "Well, given that the Light Elves are now more prosperous than ever and the Hidden are hardly ever seen, I trust that you know the result of this conflict."

      "I understand," Jae stood up and made his way to the Queen's side.

      In Nantae, people simply accepted that the Light Elves were the be-all-and-end-all. It seemed that the only people that were even slightly interested in the Hidden outside of the Light Elves were academics and historians— everyday people like Jae hardly knew a thing, other than that the Hidden existed. He did not take the time to consider what that existence was like. Judging from Lanying's explanation, the Hidden's lives were nothing to be desired, and were likely dismal and unfulfilling, having to hide a fundamental part of themselves from the world.

      "You must not tell anyone where Valeria is for the time being," Lanying's gaze scanned downward to Jae's weapon, "and it would be prudent if you stayed out of the Light Elves' sight too. Surely, they will confiscate that from you."

      "I will be careful."

       Jae wanted to say more to the Queen, but could only give simple responses. It was clear to him that she knew what was best for both him and Valeria.

      "Very well," Lanying nodded to him, then turned towards the door. "I have some other matters to attend to now. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours."

      "Thank you for speaking with me," Jae placed his hand over his heart and gave a slight bow.

      "Likewise," Lanying smiled, beginning to walk towards the door. She stopped. Turning back to Jae, she asked, "by the way, do you know Yue?"

      "Yes," Jae caught up with her, "yes, I do."

      "Queen Odilia killed his mother as she stood in these very palace halls," her voice broke. "If you get the chance, please give him your condolences."

      Jae froze in place. There were very few circumstances in which he could picture Shufen doing anything so extreme that it would warrant her death. She was hardly the kind of person to actually do anything violent and was just all talk. At the end of the day, Shufen was just a mother who desperately wanted to see her child. Where was the crime in that? Now, he truly understood why Valeria had to leave. If Shufen could be killed for hardly anything at all, then there was no telling what kind of flimsy reason would be used to justify whatever the Light Elves had planned for Valeria. He opened his mouth, but could not find the appropriate words to say.

      Lanying gazed at him sympathetically and gently rested her hand on his shoulder. "Stay safe."

      The Wind Elf Queen left the room. She had to now face her diplomats and politicians to work out the specificities of the new tariffs, and what to do if Odilia refused. Later, she wanted to speak to Yue about funeral preparations for his mother.

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