Chapter 20

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Nandini's house
Everyone is having dinner. Nandini was eating dinner by gritting her teeth and glaring at manik who was eating food served by Aryan and vitika.

Ar:-dad eat this chicken piece.( putting chicken in manik's plate).

Vi:-dad eat this mutton curry yamini ammama makes it very tasty.( putting mutton cury in manik's plate).

N:-he can eat his own food you eat your own.(glaring at manik).

Vi:-mumma are you jealous.

N:- what jealous...!,me.... !No it's getting late you have to sleep eat quickly.
(glaring at manik who is giggling at her).

Ar:-ma i will sleep with dad today.

Vi:-me too.

N:-what now dad came you forgot your mother. And Aryan you what you told me that you will punch your dad for making me cry now see who as become dad's loyal follower.( rolling her eyes).

Vi:-Actually mumma dad already got Aryan Malhotra's famous punch, dad asked his forgiveness bhai forgave him.

Ar:-ma didn't dad asked sorry from you.

N:-he asked(coldly).

Ar:- you should forgive him mom, you only said na if someone is really guilty of their mistake we should forgive him na.

N:-Aryan for some mistakes sorry is not enough, one's if it's broken we can't attach it again, even if it's a glass vase or relationship. (Saying nandini left dinning table).

Manik looked at nandini's back and murmured.

M:- if life gives me a chance I want to go back and change our destiny jaan.

Manik left his food,made Aryan and vitika eat food.

Yam:- vitika and Aryan come sleep with me today, tomorrow you can sleep with your dad.

Aryan and vitika protested but yamini pulled them to her room.

Other side
Nandini stood on Terra's and feeling the night breeze. Her thoughts came to halt feeling manik's hand on her shoulder.

N:-what left to broke in me manik, why are you trying to enter my life again.( removing his hand and turning to face manik).

M:-nandini it's not what you think.

N;-then what manik malhotra what do you want now. I only let you close to my children because I don't want my children deprived of father's love.
I don't want someone call my children as bastards. What you thought seeing you drowning in guilty I will forgive you and coming flying into your arms aah. Sorry to disappoint you Mr manik you are wrong. I can never forget what you and your family did to me, your every word, every action ringing in my ears. You know ,it has been how many years I slept peacefully. You know ,I only
Slept peacefully in those six months when I slept in your arms. I only felt loved when your family showered me with your love, I only trusted you and your family after everything. Iam such a idiot who easily fell into your trap. You know how much it pains to know who's embrace I thought safe is nothing but a deadly nightmare. You know how much it hurts to know the love I received is just a mask of know how much it kills me to think the trust I had on you guys is nothing but a hells bridge which will thrown me into living hell. I loved you but you turned my love into my biggest nightmare.(crying).

M:- jaan am sorry, I regret it so much.
I just came to make you happy again not to gain you back.

Before manik could finish his words he was awarded by nandini's famous punch.
(This is for you my lovely reader SanaKrish).

N:-just stop it Mr manik malhotra. Can your sorry can lessen my pain, can your regret will bring me back my beautiful life again which I dreamt after my marriage.
You want to make me happy again ( laughing mockingly) .do you think I will be happy again after experiencing so many setback's in my life. My happiness, My innocence, My life you snatched everything from me long back. Do you think you can bring back it again. Can you make my dead heart alive again.
What if I'm in your place and you are in my place. What if I married you for revenge and left you afterwards.Can you forgive me and love me again. Tell me manik, why you came to my life manik, even though I hurt by my parents and friends for not  trusting me I used to live a peaceful life. But you destroyed everything, who gave you right to play with my feelings. Ha tell me what sin I committed to receive this much injustice.
All I did is loving everyone and trusting everyone blindly. I trusted and truly loved my parents, my friends, my husband and my family. If a girl didn't get love , trust and safety from her own family and friends means then where she will get it.If god gave me chance again I want to have a loving parents, family and friends,if God gave me a chance I want to forgot everything about you, if god gave me chance again I don't want to love you again. Now everything is enough I don't want you to make my life happy.
You can live here or go to India it's your choice, it doesn't effect me. Please arrange place to live,this is my house not a Hotel.But never seperate kids from me, if you did that means, I will tell them what injustice their father did to me.

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