Wren Deluca-Bishop

Start from the beginning

We have watched most of it but we were on the Italy episode where they were cooking pasta. To say the least, Mama was very invested in this episode. It was around 10:30pm when we finally finished and needed to head to bed. We had to leave the house at 6am. I tried to sleep but I tossed and turned most of the night. My mind was racing and wouldn't shut off.

At 4:30 am I told myself, "Ok forget this, I'm not getting any sleep so forget it." I then got out of bed and turned on my stringed lights and packed my carry on bag and last minute things. It was now 5:15 am, and I went into the kitchen to make some tea. I wanted coffee but that doesn't sound like a good idea.

I don't need to make my anxiety worse with caffeine.

As the water was boiling, I sat on the floor with my knees up to my chest. Staring into space. I was totally in a different head space when someone touched my shoulder.

My whole body flinched and I was immediately sucked out of my head space. "Hey bambina. what time did you wake up?" Mama asked me. "I didn't go to sleep... I couldn't....." I said embarrassed while getting up from the floor and going over to my boiling water. "I know I know I know. I should've woken my one of yall up but I was fine. My mind was racing but my body was calm." I ramble and very much over-explaining myself.

Mama just nodded and, then asked, "Have you taken your meds?" "Yes, I have." That was a total lie.

I haven't taken them in two days.

Mama probably saw through my lie but she and Mom don't push me to take them unless I'm really struggling, "Carina, we need to wake up Wren in 15 minutes. So she is fully awake by the time we leave." Mom mumbled while coming into the kitchen, probably just woken up. I'm guessing she didn't see me pouring the hot water into my mug.

"Yeah, definitely awake Mom." I giggled. Mom rubbed her eyes again and said, "Well clearly I'm still asleep. What time did you wake up?" "I um I didn't fall asleep." I nervously chuckle while rubbing the back of my neck.

Her facial expression softened and came over to me. Mom wrapped me in a hug.

We both stayed like that for a few seconds until we had to get moving. We had to leave at 6am so we were hustling to get everything. We had to take Ford to Travis and Vic's house as well because that is where the pup is going to stay while we are away. I'm going to miss that booger for a whole two weeks. The reason why we are staying that long is because Mama has a conference and we all decided to make it a vacation.

After double checking to see if I got everything which was my backpack with all the things I wanted, skateboard, (yes to the airport , and Italy), last but not least headphones and things like that.

My backpack had these straps on the front that wrap around my skateboard perfectly.

Also a helmet because Mama and Mom would kill me if I didn't have one.

It is a simple mat-black with a bunch of random stickers on them. I have an obsession with stickers. Obviously, I have an Italian flag on it, a sunflower that symbolizes myself because Mom and Mama call me their bright sunflower. Station 19 sticker as well and a bunch more random ones.  "Are you ready to go?" Mom asked while popping her head around the door frame of my room.

"Yup all good to go." I confirm snapping the strap of the backpack around the skateboard.

"Awesome, I'm loading up the car now. Can I take your suitcase?"  She questioned while pointing at my suitcase. "Yeah definitely, I don't need it." I state, slinging my backpack onto my back. I checked my room one last time before turning off the lights, walking out of the hallway, I was met with a very hyper pup.

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