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[This fic is different from the original VegasPete storyline. It is a mpreg story!!!]

I met him in the dark.

He was drunk and throwing up.

I saw him coming to the bar with his friends but they were inside and he was alone.That night I didn't know why but seeing him in a miserable state my heart softened and I held his back when he was throwing up.

He looked at me , surprised and stunned but he didn't push me away even when it was the first time we met.

"I think you drank too much. Do you want me to call your friends?"

I asked him.

"No." he replied.

"Do you need my help then?"

"I'm fine it's okay"

I looked at him helplessly. It was the first time we met and I'm not a considerate person I should leave him be but I don't know why he had me hooked on his person. This has never happened to me. My emotions were in turmoil. My heart was beating in a rapid rate but my eyes were glued on his red but cute intoxicated face.

After he stop throwing up but before he went inside the bar he turned around and said,

"Thank you" and then he walked away.

It was dark outside. Only our faces were in the light.One word that described him as ' cute' Just my type.I could see his polite but cute smile when he said his thanks.

That moment was the first time I could feel my heart beating so fast and I could feel my world lit up.

Is this the so-called love at first sight?

I can't believe it myself. Someone like me who is heartless ,rude and never interested in anyone, how could I fall in love with someone whom I had only seen for a few minutes.

Can my heart be swayed by just the sight of someone who looks cute and innocent?

It was hard to believe.

What disappointed me very much was I forgot to ask his name. I went to follow him inside but he disappeared. I asked one of the friends he came with but they told me he left after someone came to pick him up. He disappeared so first it was just a minute ago when he spoke to me but now I can't find him anywhere.

If I knew his name I could look for him but now I don't know when I'll get to see him again.

It was very disappointing.

Dejected, I went home that very minute.


A month passed by since the first and last time I saw him.

I can't help but to think about him. This has never ever happened to me. I tried to mess around with others but none got him off my mind. My sexual partners change from time to time but my heart that was moved by him a long time ago felt an unrest and longing for him.

So many days passed by but that smile and his voice lingered around me for a long time.That night I went to a hotel with my sexual partner .

I needed to vent out my emotions that were left in turmoil by him.

As I got out of my car I saw a silhouette of the very person who occupied my heart and soul.

All those emotions I tried so hard to suppress came rushing in tidal waves.

Before I could think my legs had already started to run towards his direction.

My bodyguards followed after me but I told them to go and drove my sex partner at his home.

Then I ran after him. He felt someone following him so he turned around to see who it was.

As I saw his face all my frustrations and longings went away.

"Hi, do you remember me?" I asked.

I think he was stunned at first but soon his face turned into a bright smile and he replied,

"I do."

'' Oh my God he 's so cute,'' I said to myself.

"Do you work here?" I asked when I saw him wearing a uniform.

"Just for a month. Did you come to the hotel too?"

"No, just passing by but then I saw you and wanted to say hi." I lied. I can't tell him that I came to the hotel to fuck around. It'll leave a bad impression of me on him and I don't want that.

I know I'm not a good person but I'll try to be a better person for him.

Just when he was going to speak something, someone from afar called him over.

"If you don't mind then I'll get going.". he said.

His eyes were bright and shining.

I could see him giving me a polite but cute smile as he turned to walk away.

" Wait" I shouted.

His footsteps and then he turned his head around.

"What's your name ?" I asked. This time I can't miss out. I really want to know him and make him mine. I wanted to take him away, possess him,and make him mine. I had the urge to lock him so that only I could see him. I'm used to getting what I want even if I have to use force but not with him.

There's a voice in my head that warns me if I take him by force he'll hate me for the rest of his life.

I don't want to see him get hurt so I'll take it slowly.

But I won't rest until he becomes mine.

"Pete. My name is Pete. What's yours?" His voice was soft and pleasing to the ears.


"Vegas...uh..My boss is calling me so I'll get going. See you then." He waved his hand then went inside the hotel while I stood for sometime staring at his back until his figure disappeared.

"Pete" In my head I said his name on repeat.


Since the day when I learned that he worked at the hotel I would stop by everyday to see him.

Sometimes I drive him home from the hotel, sometimes I take him to places I myself have never been to. I just love spending time with him and seeing him smile makes my day.

I feel okay when I see him smile.

The best thing these days is I got to spend more and more time with him by my side.

We went to amusement park, a place I've never been before. My mother died when I was young and my nanny was sent away to somewhere I don't know.

My father pretended to love me and my brother infront of others but when we are alone he won't show a bit of love towards us brothers.

I tried my best to give Macau the childhood I never had. But with Pete I can feel the child in me getting excited every time he tries his best to give me the childhood I lost.

Months passed by but I go to see him everyday. Sometimes I get jealous when he spends more time with his best friend, Porsche and other friends.

Especially his new boss, Tankhun. After he stopped working at the hotel he went to work for my annoying and crazy older cousin. Yes, Pete's new boss is my older cousin but I don't get along with any of my cousins.

The three brothers are a headache to me, especially the middle one who is my rival in everything.

I have to endure it though since Pete loves them very much.

I just want Pete all to myself.


Sometimes I wish Vegas didn't torture or rape Pete but instead fell in love naturally. So I decided to write a fanfiction on VegasPete where Vegas didn't do all those bad and evil things to Pete.......

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