I decided to get ready in the main bathroom since Lola was using ours, I had a lot of time to think whilst in the shower. And it wasn't the usual interesting shower thoughts.... It was worse

I close my eyes as the water rinses out the remaining shampoo suds in my hair

"You like that?"

I swallow as I turn to lean my head against the wall

'I don't know if I want to"

"All you have to do is suck"

"Yeah but I-

I flinch as I reach for the back of my hair, I still remember exactly where my head was pushed down.

"Your high and your crazy"

My eyes shoot open and the sound of the water overpowers my thoughts. I run a hand through my hair, "Adriana"

"What the fuck" I whisper

The stupid voice repeats itself again so of course I turn around, I wish I didn't. Before me is the one person that I hate more than my worst enemy.... It's that bad.

"You've grown haven't you"

I frown, "No-.... No, you shouldn't be here. I got rid of you already-

"But you haven't though have you, you must really like me if I'm still here" He tuts

As I look down I notice that the water has gone from clear to a crimson red, "What are you doing" I feel panic kick in

"Looks like innocent Adri's not so innocent anymore"

I then frown at my hands, "Whose blood is this"

He just smiles at me, "Whose blood!" I demand

"Why who else?" He says amused

"How does it feel to have Carmens blood on your hands"

I start to hyperventilate as panic rushes through me, "Stop it"


My head jerks to the right after hearing someone call me from behind the door

"Don't answer that" He says seriously

My breathing increases as the water on my body is replaced with blood, "Leave me alone" I beg as I back away

"Tell anyone and I'll do what you actually claim that I did"

There's just so many voices echoing around me, I need to escape.

"I got rid of you"

"But somehow I'm still here"

He then suddenly reaches for my neck and I scream before turning off the shower taps. The knocking on the door increases as I reach for my dressing gown and my eyes start to blur, "Fucking asshole" I whisper before stepping out quickly

Trails of blood follow me as I make my way to the door and his voice echos throughout my mind

Again the door knocks, "Adri!-

Carmens blood..... Carmens blood

The image of her in the hospital bed appears in my head and I cry before sitting on the floor and backing myself into a corner. The door then opens and I decide that I'll just accept my fate, but then when I heard her voice I realised that it wasn't real.

"Adri" A soft voice says

I frown as I look up

There's nothing on the floor but trails of water and there's absolutely no trace of him..... Sam. Lola sits beside me as I wipe my eyes quickly, "What happened?"

AdrianaWhere stories live. Discover now