Page fourteen

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They were back in London, the guys were a bit mad with Liam but they soon understood that nothing could be done about it.

Zayn insisted on staying with Louis for a while but Louis declined the offer.

Are you sure? I don't have a problem dealing with you.

(Pushing Zayn out of his house)
I'm more than sure. I'm fine.

He closed the door on Zayn's face feeling bad afterwards but the action was already done.

He breathed in, forgetting to do so recently. It was only eleven when they got here, they've got the whole day ahead and many more in which Louis does not look forward to.

Winter break is soon coming to an end, perhaps studying could tear his mind away from a certain situation.

Who is he kidding? He could never ignore it.

He buried his body under the covers feeling relieved as his skin touched the cold sheets. Sleep is his only escape from this nightmare.

(Walking in through the front door)
Louuu! I'm home.

Louis heard him from the bedroom and he's never ran faster his whole life. He stopped by the kitchen staring at his boyfriend who simply smiled at him showing his dimples.

Harry held his arms out and Louis was quick to hug him tightly. Breathing in Harry's natural scent that the hospital almost took away. He pulled away examining his boyfriends face, it still had the same scratches from the accident but they looked healed.

(Smiling up at him)
You're back home.

This is our home, why wouldn't I come back?

Louis shook his head pulling Harry back into him and hugging like there's no tomorrow. He felt like himself again, hugging Harry like this. He felt alive and worthy, like a proper human. Harry makes him feel like this.

(Pulling Louis away)
Oh I almost forgot! The book! Let's finish it.

Louis smiled pulling Harry to the couch. They're close to finishing the novel yet they always grow tired or it gets too dark.

They cuddled on the sofa, Louis spooning Harry like always. He kissed his curls before opening the book and letting their minds escape to another reality.

This is what Louis had missed. Days like this.

After three years of being with Harry, he'll never get tired of this. He'll never get tired of loving him.

(Turning to Louis with a smile)
I love you. Forever.

I love you in every universe.

They laughed at the cheesiness but they were still a blushing mess. Harry leaned forward kissing Louis softly, his lips felt so familiar.

(Pulling away)
You know what you are to me?

Your boyfriend?

(Shaking his head with a fond look)
No. You're my home.

Harry let out a soft laugh, one that Louis fell in love with, too.

I think I just fell in love with you again.

(Kissing Harry's forehead)
You better have.

The novel was long forgotten as they spent the night in each other's arms, kissing and talking about nothing that interesting.

Because when you're at home, nothing else matters. You feel comfortable and like yourself. And Harry is Louis' home, Harry helped Louis find himself again and as long as Harry is still there, then really, nothing else matters.

Louis gasped sitting up on the bed. He was drenched in sweat and the sun was setting already. He ran a hand through his hair closing his eyes in the process as he thought back.

It was only a dream. Harry isn't here.

Harry is still in the hospital living his normal life without Louis.

He felt a single tear run down his cheek, it had been two days since he last cried and now he felt unstable again.

He wrapped himself with the duvet feeling cold all of a sudden. The tears didn't stop there, he was bawling his eyes out letting out embarrassing sobs. His heart ached, he just wanted to feel Harry's arms on him again. Feel another heart beating next to him.

The duvet didn't help. He didn't want the warmth of an object. He wanted Harry. He wanted his home.

He wanted to go back home. Wherever Harry is, he wants to go there.

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