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(On a phone call)

Two weeks and I'll be home.

I miss you.

Louis played with the blanket he was wrapped in, sitting alone in the small living room as he casually glanced out the window watching the snow fall down softly.

It's been a week since Harry left to New York for a promotion his mum wanted him in and yeah, they call everyday but nothing is the same as feeling your partners warmth next to you.

Louis still appreciates hearing his deep voice though.

I'll be there in no time Lou.

I know, I know.

He wasn't mad at Harry, he was proud. Proud to see his boyfriend modeling around the world and his name appearing everywhere.

That doesn't change the fact that he wants Harry all for his own.

Harry excused himself quickly meaning the call had ended. Louis was disappointed at that but he would never admit that to Harry, it would only worry him.

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