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Just another day at school. Minghao walked only to find a hallway full of students. Familiar faces but all he ever wanted was to find Bong cha's face among the crowd. Something only he knew was that he had her mixtape inside his bag. 

He was indeed the biggest fool in the world. She loved him all this time but he couldnt see it so that couldnt make him more disappointed on himself than what he already is.

He was walking on the hallway, while his head was slowly turning onto different direction from time to time but she was nowhere at this point. When he was not expecting he felt someone placing his hand around his shoulders and actually pushing him a little. 

"Hey Buddy..." Vernon said with a smile. He turned around only to spot Vernon and the rest ion his friends coming to see him. "Oh Hey..." He bit his lip quite confused. "Whats with the face?" Jun noticed he was not that good. 

"Nothing..." He looked down. 

"Um... Hao can I talk to you for a bit?" He asked as a hint for the rest of them to disappear. They took the memo so they waved at these two boys and left. "Whats up? What did you do with Cha?" Vernon was concerned. 

"Nothing yet... I was gonna do something today but... she is not here..." He confessed quite discouraged. "Could she possibly be sick for so many days?" Vernon tried to make him better although he knew that wouldn't be possible.

"I... I guess?" Hao played along although he already knew that wasn't true. She is just avoiding him and who can blame her for that. "Dont be sad bro... Its just a phase.." He caressed his shoulder. 

"Thanks bro... Um... I... I have to go somewhere... see you later..." 

"Okay... Take care..." Vernon winked and like that they parted ways. Hao had his eyes glued on the floor although he was still walking. He was only trying to think of what he could do. Should he go to her house afterwards? Should he apologise? Should he... Should he? Questions like that were in a loop inside his mind but nothing seemed enough. 

When he was not expecting, his shoulder accidentally pushed someone else's shoulder. He lifted his gaze and his eyes met hers. She was probably too busy thinking of something as well. It was indeed her... Or... is he imagining? 

Their eyes were literally staring. No one seemed to want to remove them. Hao had so many things to say to her but forgot about them as soon as she looked at him like that. He only opened his mouth. 

"H-Hi..." He actually managed to say but she didnt wanna answer anything back. Her heart was aching at this time. She only bowed at him like he was the president or something. She regained her right body posture and shyly passed by him like they never even talk that day. Hao turned around to notice her getting away. 

He knew he messed up. 


For the rest of the day he literally was seeing her, attempting to even talk sometimes but she didnt give him even a little spec of attention. Only glances he couldnt explain himself. He didnt know if she hates him or not.

Even In class, He was about to get up so he actually did and turn around so he can reach the door but his eyes met with hers from a great distance. It almost happened automatically. Even they were impressed of how natural it seemed. 

But instead of that bringing them close the girl ignored it and was the first one to come out. Vernon noticed all that so he got up and grabbed his shoulder tenderly. "Its okay..." He whispered but instead of a calm reaction he was expecting as a return minghao only started running with confidence towards somewhere Vernon just couldn't think of. 

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