an assigment

475 15 22

Bong Cha woke up with huge head ache. How could she not have a head ache when her head couldnt shut up the previous night. To be specific, Her thoughts about Minghao, memories of him and the situation was driving her nuts. 

Maybe because liking that douche was the last thing she was expecting. 

She got up, got dressed and washed her face as a way to keep her mind busy but it only made it worse. Maybe because when she was about to leave her bathroom her brother was standing right outside the door, leaning on the doorframe with a sly smirk. 

"AH!" She girl almost bounced by the little surprise. That annoying little brat giggled. Seeing his sister getting easily scared was always a source of entertainment to him. "What do you want dufus? You scared the hell out of me!" She murmured in total annoyance. 

"My pleasure..." 

"Just shut up..." She was about to pass him by until an annoying grin and a single sentence stopped her from moving. "That guy... from yesterday..." As soon as he said that she stopped in her tracks petrified.

"W-what guy?" She played it dumb just in case Chan will be easily mislead. Well, Chan was not the naive type, more like the wicked one, the ruthless one. That's why Bong Cha wanted to choke him. 

"You know... That guy.... That you were in his car yesterday... Charming smile, smooth hair, doe eyes..." He was being sarcastic. "I... I was in a car... with someone... not like that definitely but I.... barely can recall..." She tried not to gulp out loud. 

"Was his name... Minghao?" 

And then her gulped was audible. Dang it she was trying so hard to keep it inside so the boy won't notice she is shaking. "W-Well... I- I think so? Y-Yes? Probably... Why?" Was she sweating? What a hideous day? As soon as she woke up the first thing she got to talk about was Xu Minghao. 

"Probably? Huh... Okay..." He scoffed. He was bout to leave but Bong Cha seized his arms to stop him immediately. "Why are you asking Chan?" 

"Oh... Just because you were calling his name for the whole night while sleeping...' He announced and like that passed her by and walked inside his room. The girl stood there expressionless until she was sure she was alone. 

"WHAT?!" She realised what she just heard just now and that was her genuine reaction. 


Her way to school was almost like a torture. She was staring outside the window of the school bus, wishing for them to crush on a cliff even though they lived in the city. She didn't want to see him cause she new she could be vulnerable at any point.

She stepped on the ground as soon as the school bus stopped. 

"So this is what you have to do Bong Cha! Go in and avoid this specific man at all costs. Avoid him avoid him av-" She was talking to herself until she heard a honk and a car passing her by. Turning around she spotted Hao waving at her from inside her car and then entering the parking lot.

She was staring at him while he was getting out of his car. At the exact same moment she realised she will not be able to avoid him If she stays there. That's why she sprinted inside like her life was depending on it.

She immediately found her friend inside the class and almost fainted right in front of him. "Yo Yo why are you running?" 

"He waved at me?" 

"Oh dont start again, paranoid freak!" He announced while continuing with his brand new book. He seemed super invested to pay attention to the girl. "I am gonna die..." She hissed and sat on the table right behind of him. 

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