love drunk

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Next day: 

Bong Cha had to spend her Saturday morning with Kwan, whining over the phone over stupid things but her mind was completely off this world. 

"Hey... I am talking to you!" And like that she turned back to the real world, and somewhere away from Xu Minghao. "Are you listening?" He asked quite annoyed. "Yes!" She lied even though she knew he was not gonna buy it. 

"So what did I say, like a while ago..." He tested her with a sly smirk only because he was sure she is not gonna give the right answer. "Um... You... WHAT IS THIS? A TEST?" She crossed her arms while pouting. "Why are you ignoring me? What are you thinking about?" He asked to leave the girl speechless. 

"Bong Cha, who are you thinking about?" He had that sly smirk only to trigger her. "Are you implying something?" She was super feisty today because he woke her up for this. "How did that date go?" 

"N-None of your business... Idiot..." She whispered the last word. "Come on Tell me, Was he... good to you?" He was being genuine. "Kwan, We are talking about Minghao..." She giggled. "Oh You are gonna. tell me everything tonight!!!": He clapped. 

"Um...  T-Tonight?" She was petrified. What did she forget again? Was she gonna get hurt if she doesnt remember? Well, probably!  "You... You forgot?" He asked surprised. "Haha... Are you joking? Of course You are... Bongie you are such a prankster..." He laughed until he realised the girl was not feeling the vibe. 

"You are serious..." As soon as he realised he gasped. "YOU FORGOT MY BIRTHDAY?" His high pitched voice scared the hell out of her. "W-What? No... Its in... December... four... fourtee-" 

"December nineteen..." 

"Exactly! That's what I was about to say! Today's day! Aha! I already knew... And If you wanna know, I bought you a present. Aha!" As soon as she finished this sentence she grabbed her head panicked. Thank god he couldnt see her guilty face. 

"Oh Really, Then I am dying to see it tonight! On the diner we used to go. At 9! Dare to be late..." He threatened her. "I... I would never..." She gulped. "That's what I thought..." And like that he hang up on her face. "You can't be serious..." She bit her lip. 

"Bong Cha Think! What Can you give Kwan. Something that he  hasn't seen before..." She was massaging her head in her attempt to think until an idea popped and she sprinted down the hallway immediately. 

"Chanieeeeee!" Without a warning she entered the room only to catch him red handed. "Are you dancing to Itzy!?" She asked as soon as she heard Mafia in the morning and Chan panicking. He immediately turned off the music and tried to hide the shock. 

"What? No... I- I am never dancing! WHAT DO YOU WANT IN MY ROOM ANYWAY?" He asked but her eyes were glaring at her stiffed animals on a line, on top of his desk. "Are these my stuffed animals you stole?" She asked surprised. 

"They are my prisoners..." 

Bong Cha ignored him and walked to his wardrobe. Without the green light she started searching through his clothes. "Hey, Hey, I'll call mom, leave my stuff alone..." He treated her but she was still busy searching. 

"I need to find a present for Kwan..." She trailed down. "Is that time of the year again?" 


"And you are gonna give him MY THINGS? Why dont you buy him a real present for once" He announced. "Its Saturday and I am bored to get out to shop, just give me something..." She begged while searching through his stuff. 

"Oh you are gonna pay for this..." He ran out of the room. Bong Cha thought she was gina call their mom so she was not that afraid. After searching she grabbed a random shirt and walked out of his room she heard a voice coming from her room - Chan's voice. 

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