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Minghao spent his entire school day trying to avert guy from killing Jun. Now that the school day was over he ran inside the cafeteria only to realise how big of a loser he is. Of course she was not gonna wait for him. 

Hours passed. 

How could she still be here? 

He ran out to find her. She might wont be at the cafeteria but she could be waiting for the bus or be on the parking lot. Could she possibly be waiting for him outside. On his way out, he found Kwan on the exit. Finally,, a smile appeared. He could know where she is. 

"Kwan!" Calling out his name made the boy slightly turn and face him with a smile. "Hao, Hey..." He waved in a friendly manner. 

"Hey, Um... Have you maybe seen my girlfriend?" He playfully said and they both stared at each other with some adorable smiles. "Well, She left like... an hour ago..." He let him know. "Wait. She left before school was over? Why?" And now his smile faded away. 

"Well, she wasn't feeling very well so she went home to take care of herself..." He informed him but instead of feeling better he started getting worried. "Thanks for letting me know...." He was about to leave and go find her but Vernon stopped him on his way to the parking lot. 

"Are you ready?" Hansol asked while placing his one hand on Hao's shoulder. "Ready for what?" The poor boy couldnt undrestand what he was talking about. "To drive you to your house and also find my wallet... I think I left it there last night..." Heannounced. 

"Oh... Right... Um... But.." 

"Lets go now If its okay because I dont have too much time..." Vernon gave him a smile so Hao couldnt just say No when his friends need him. "O-Okay... Lets go..." He ran to Vernon's mpttprcycle only to gain some minutes for himself afterwards. They need to be fast so he can go to Cha later. 

"You dont have to run. I mean... I will still make it..." Vernon giggled, thinking Hao is in a hurry because of him. "Right..." Hao hoped on with an awkward curve on his lips. 

All he wanted was to see Bong Cha and make sure she is okay. 


As soon as they reached his house they both walked in and made their way to Hao's room. Vernon started looking around in his attempt to find his wallet. 

"Where can it be?" He whispered to himself. 

"I am going to the bathroom... You can keep on searching..." Vernon nodded as soon as Hao said that. The exchanged a smile and Hansol was now searching alone. He lastly opened a drawer only to find it in there. "Who put it there?" He raised an eyebrow and grabbed it. 

"It must be Jun... That idiot..." He whispered and put it in his open bag. When he spotted the open drawer he also noticed a white folder. He narrowed his eyebrows in his attempt to spot the writing on top of it. 

It had his name on it. 

"Wait, What?" He was confused. Turning around to stare at the door he realised Hao was not there. He still was in the bathroom. Vernon slowly grabbed the envelope to take it out from the drawer.

He realised it had something inside. That's when he heard the door of the bathroom. With fast moves he closed the drawer and puttee envelope inside his bag. Minghao walked inside while he was zipping it. 

"Did you find it?" He asked while taking of his shirt so he can change clothes and make his way to his girlfriend."Yes... Yeah, Its right here!" He made an awkward joke while holding the wallet. "You okay?" Hao asked, realising something is wrong. 

"Yeah, I am just running late, I need to leave. See you around..." Like that he walked out of the room and leave. "Weird?" Hao told himself and continued searching through his wardrobe only two find a legit outfit for today. 

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