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Minghao walked inside as he just got invited by the girl but his eyes were locked with Hansol's instead of Bong Cha's. They all went to the living room so they can rest and be chill although Minghao was far away from these two words. 

"Guys Thank you for coming to see me..." Bong Cha adressed to both of them but her eyes were only looking at Minghao. The sweet boy smiled genuinely totally forgetting the major factor of his annoyance until he easily got reminded again as soon as Vernon opened his mouth.

"It was my pleasure to be next to you when you need me.." He had that fake smile only Hao could recognise because they grew up together. He raised an eyebrow quite perplexed. What is he trying to do?

"Thank you Vern..." Her dimples popped. 

"Eat your soup! It will get cold!!!" Vernon cheered and they all looked at the soup on top of the table. Cha seemed hesitant while she was looking and Hao seemed completely annoyed by his best friend. 

"Bong Cha doesnt like soups..." He whispered to himself totally forgetting he is not alone. The two other people in the room slowly turned their head and focused on Hao. "No, I Will eat it..." And even thought she indeed hated it she forced herself to eat. Hao scoffed but tried to hide his annoyance. 

"I am so sorry Cha, I didn't know you hated soups. Now that I know I'll be careful next time..." The boy smirked to the sick girl and she smiled back while being full mouthed with the soup. Hao was witnessing all these tiny interactions. 

"I am going to the bathroom... Be here in 5..." She got up with the smile and Vernon nodded with a smile. Before exiting the room her eyes focused on Hao who was not even looking. He was resting his one hand on the couch while his fingertips of the right hand were touching the forehead. He seemed pisssed but in a desperate need to hide it. She proceeded to stare at him just in an attempt to still a glance but he didn't turn. 

She knew that something was wrong but couldnt do anything, especially now that Vernon is here.

Now that these two boys were left alone, Hao turned to look at vern without holding how irritated he was. "What are you trying to do?" He crossed his arms. How can his friend treat him like that. 

"What is it to you??" Vern laid back super cool with a sly smirk and an expression Minghao never saw before. "You are doing it on purpose I just dont know why..." He announced and Vern chuckled at the clueless boy. 

"Oh. That's easy. I am in love with Bong Cha!" He had that full wide sly smirk that could only alert Hao. "How can you say that to me that easily?"

"Why not?" He shrugged his shoulders. 

"I dont know... maybe because Bong Cha is my girlfriend?" Hao logically answered but Vern didn't seem to take it seriously. "So what? If she wants to be with me You'll have to deal with it..." He smirked. 

"I thought we were friends..." He announced. 

"Friends?" He Chuckled once again. "You are talking about friendships? You?" Vern said quite betrayed by his all attitude. "Whats that supposed to mean?" Hao cut him off quite quickly only because he was annoyed by everything he was saying. 

"I am back..." The girl walked un the living room with a huge smile not knowing what just happened there. She interrupted this heated conversation but noticed Hao and he didn't seem to well. 

"I need to go, I am running late Bongie..." Vernon got up while staring at the watch on his hand. "Oh Okay, Thanks for the soup Vern!" They hugged right in front of Hao. He was looking at them, trying not to explode and kill Vernon in front of his girlfriend. 

"Goodbye Hao..." Vern faked a smile and waved. He innerly gasped at how good he is at acting. Did he really do that? "Hao, aren't you gonna say bye?" Bong Cha joked because she had no idea about the tension between this two. 

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