favor from an enemy

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Bong Cha woke up the next morning because her cheek came in contact with a pillow. That interaction brought her back to life when she kinda wished she was dead after being drunk last night.

"Ouch..." She whispered and noticed her brother holding a pillow and giggling.

"Why would you do that?!" She complained and raised half of her body up. "You have to go to school..." he smirked.

"You also have to go to school but I aint throwing my sledgehammer collection at you, Am I?" She crossed her arms. "You have a sledgehammer collection?" He bit his lip. She didn't answer, only stared at him quite worn out.

"Anyway You gotta go to school!!!" He repeated.

"I... I dont know If I will go... I am a little tired..." She mumbled while slowly shuttering her eyelids. "You will!" He hit her with the pillow again.

"Will you stop that?"

"Dad told me to annoy you until you get up and not let you sleep cause you have... something like a punishment?! What did you do?" He finally got to ask her that.

"Oh I killed my brother He can see the future!!!" She smirked. "Get up before I tell him you are still on the bed!"

"Blackmailer..." She hissed. The boy gave her a sly smirk and walked out. The girl had no other option than get up.

She was sitting on the ordinary seat awaiting for Seungwan only for him to never show up. He must be busy with his prom speech again.

Bong Cha was doodling on the table with anger maybe because her best friend was not there when she needed him.

After what happened last night her head was a complete mess, she was grounded and literally clould barely stand on her feet.

"What's that?" Hao pointed at the doodling while occupying the seat right next to her. He wanted to see If she could remember anything about last night... or maybe... the kiss...

Well, the girl was not even close to Remember it.

"You!" She hissed.

"Is it me?" He went closer to the drawing only to spot something else. "It looks like a frog though..." He was mumbling. How clueless thay boy was.

"I hate you!!!" She hissed only for the boy to lay back on his chair. So does she remember? Thats why she hates him? But she kissed him.

"Elaborate..." He subtly bit his lip.

"If I didnt have come to your stupid party I wouldnt be grounded now!!!" She announced and Hao felt relieved. "I am so angry at you...!" She hissed.

"Is that the only reason You are angry at me...?"

"Well, Yes? Why is there another reason I should be angry?" She asked and Hao stared at her quite petrified. "N-No Of course not..." Was he sweating? He looked kinds suspicious to be honest.

"I cant even see your face right now... Go and sit somewhere else. Dont talk to me, Dont even breathe near me doofus... Just leave..." She ordered. Minghao was staring at her quite hurt yet was trying to conceal. She crossed her arms and stared out of the window.

How harsh? She didnt show any mercy. She was stone cold.

Minghao slowly picked his stuff and got up only to approach the seat right next to Vernon. His usual location!

"What's up? Did you have a fight with Bong Cha?" The man slowly looked back at her who still was staring outside the window. Then locked eyes with Vernon.

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