Everyone went to their dorms one by one and you started to drift off to sleep on the couch. Todoroki started to carry you to your room. When the both you got there Bakugo walked out of the room, "Idiot, what took you so lo-" he was about to say until he saw Todoroki.

"The hell you doing here, IcyHot." Bakugo hated to see you and Todoroki together.

"I needed to bring Y/N back to their dorm." He said.

"Tch, whatever." And Bakugo went back to his own dorm.

You were still cradled in Todoroki's arms when you both got to the room. He set you down on the bed gently and turned your lamp on. He turned off the lights and sat down on the bed.

He touched your face. It was warm, he didn't realize it but he moved closer to your face. He realized what he was doing but kept going until his mouth reached your forehead. He planted a small kiss on your forehead and you woke up suddenly.

"W-what was that?" You touched your forehead and your face was burning red.

"It's my way of saying goodnight." Todoroki smiled.

"Well, you could've just said it," you said as you pulled the sheets over your shoulder.

"I think my way is better than actually saying it," he moved to your face again, "don't you think, Y/N?"

"W-what do you mean?" You started to blush and hide your face with the blanket.

Todoroki removed the blanket from your face, "what I mean is, you liked that, didn't you?"

"Huh? N-no, I didn't!"

"Don't deny me, Y/N." he moved away from you. He walked to your door and said, "Goodnight, Y/N. Sleep well tonight."

"O-okay. Goodnight."

As he left you sat there in your bed trying to process what had just happened. He kissed you! On the forehead, but that still counts. Then that's when you realized, you were in love with two people now. And they both stole your heart with only a glance.

You couldn't fall asleep after that, and went to Bakugo's room. He was already sleeping and his arms were wrapped around a pillow.

You had your own pillow with you, and a blanket. You walked slowly towards Bakugo's bed, you got in beside him and laid down. Bakugo woke up and wasn't surprise to see you next to him, "Hey, idiot."

"Hey, Bakugo, sorry I couldn't sleep."

"Nah, it's fine," he said tiredly, "you can stay here for a while."

"Okay," you got your blanket and wrapped it around you. Bakugo removed your blanket and put his blanket on you. His arm went around your shoulders and pulled you close to him. Like a pillow.

"Bakugo, what ar-" you started.

"Shut up," he said slowly with his eyes closed, "sleep, you idiot."

You grinned and buried your head in Bakugo's chest. He was warm and smelled like caramel. You drifted to sleep in Bakugo's arms.

Bakugo's alarm went off once again, and he was the one that woke you up, "Idiot," he shook you, "Hey, wake up, idiot!"

"I'm up, I'm up!" You yawned, "good morning to you, too."

"You should get ready now."

You walked to your room and got your uniform, you combed your hair and rubbed your forehead.

Todoroki is a pretty weird guy, you thought, he kinda reminds me of someone.

When you got downstairs Todoroki looked at you with a smile, "Good morning, Y/N, hoped you slept well."

"Slept pretty great," you said, but you didn't say that you slept with Bakugo.

"Good, you didn't sleep with Bakugo, did you."

You were shocked, "What? No!"

"You always hang out with him," he looked at you in the eye. "Are you guys a thing."

"No, we are not, we are just friends."

"Then why were you guys holding hands in the library?" He raised and eyebrow.

"You saw that?!" You nearly yelled but quieted down, "I held his hand unconsciously, I didn't realize for a while, but then he said it was okay."

"Oh, alright then."

You went to get some cereal and the milk, you ate quickly and got your bag ready.

You didn't see Bakugo but you then saw him at the entrance of the school.

"Bakugo!" You said, trying to get his attention, "where were you this morning?"

"I was still in my dorm. Sorry I made you worry," he smirked, "it seems you care about me a lot."

"I wasn't worried!" You thought about it, "okay, I was a bit worried, but so what?!"

"If you were worried you would've went and looked for me." He said.

"I know! I was just," you said, "busy."

"In what way?" He got closer to you.

"I was just talking to a friend, okay." You said, "don't get so worked up about it."

"Whatever," and you guys both started walking to class.

After class you were at your locker and Todoroki walked up to you.

"Hey, Y/N, umm," he looked away and blushed, "would you like to go out with me tonight?"

You didn't know what to say, but you agreed, "of course!"

"Oh, really," he said, "I actually didn't think you'd agree to that."

"Your a pretty great guy, how could I say no?" You told him.

"That's kind of you," he said, "I will meet you by the dormitory building entrance by 7pm?"

"Yeah, sure, what do I wear?"

"Anything you'd like," he said, and walked away.

Bakugo's POV

"Y/N, would you like to go out with me later?" I whispered to myself as I walked down the hall, "that's too formal, say it like it's a normal conversation." I wrote down what I was gunna say on my right palm.

I kept walking down the hall until I saw you and Todoroki talking to each other. You smiled widely and you were blushing? Why? I didn't want you to see me, I blended in with the other students.

I couldn't hear what you were saying but you were happy about it.

When IcyHot left I walked to you, "Hey, what was that about?"

"Oh, Bakugo!" Your face lit up, "you're never gunna believe it!!"

"Calm down, idiot," I said.

"Sorry! Anyways," you went on, "Todoroki asked me if I wanted to go out with him!"

"Oh," I squeezed my right hand together, "I suppose you said yes?"

"Yes!" You said, "I'm gunna get ready, I'll see you at the dorms!" And with that you ran off.

You were right, I couldn't believe it. I blew my chance, and IcyHot had to ask you the same time I was gunna ask you. I went to my room and laid down. But you seemed happy, that's all that matters.

I spent the rest of the evening in my room. I waited for you to come to my dorm, but you didn't.

A/N: Hey everyone! I want this to be the pretty dramatic part of the story but if you have any other requests I would love to know! Anyways, luv ya ChibiCakes!

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