But it was no use because the touch was coming from the apparition that stood before me, the figure clothed in bright white and its features not quite distinguishable to the human eye.

It floated off the ground cleanly, its body a mere mist in the low quality air.

The figure's presence was strange and a bit alarming to say the least and, seeing as I wasn't really one to believe in ghosts or much of an afterlife considering the fact that I had seen death and destruction up close and personal, I was confounded by the fact that this apparition was here to begin with.

Didn't it have better things to do on this plane of existence?

Like say, I don't know, maybe haunting other people who deserved it much more than I did?

Like Commander Ophelia and that weird liver spotted supervisor she appointed me before I escaped, just to name a few names here.

But apparently, this apparition was quite intrigued by my presence instead, it's ghostly head cocking to the side as an area where it's mouth might've been slowly expanded for a moment there, I held my breath as I waited for it to speak, to communicate with me since apparently, I could now see and talk to the dead as well.

However though, the figure's white appearance suddenly darkened to an eerie and ominous black before it let out an ungodly screech that could've only been compared to that of a banshee's scream and my hands flew up to cover my ears to block out the screeching, piercing sound.

Pleading mentally to whatever was out there that could control such a spirit, I pleaded for the apparition to disappear, for it to just leave me alone and before I could even blink, the ghastly vision before me was gone and I was left alone with nothing but alarms blaring throughout the cockpit, deafening ringing in my ears and the worst pounding headache I've ever had before.

And that's when I realized I had hallucinated seeing that ghost, spirit, demon thing after all.

Oh, God….I really am going crazy!

Shit! Fuck!

Maybe those leaking oxygen tanks really are causing a problem….

And while it may have sounded logical to assume so, my oxygen deprived brain was insisting on telling me otherwise and just when I thought I wasn't going to make it all the way back to Earth with my rapidly depleting supply of oxygen, my muddle brain and blurring vision spotted what appeared to look just like my home planet, Earth, as the next nearest planet just in the outermost ridge of the solar system.

I squinted against the blinding headache as my vision spun almost as wildly and as quickly as my brain did, did my eyes dare to deceive me?

Was this Earth that I was actually witnessing through a fogged up brain and deteriorating eyesight?

And maybe I should've considered the reality that it might not have been Earth that I was currently guiding the Calypso towards, that maybe it wasn't Earth's atmosphere that we were going to break through at any second now and the heat shields that protected the Calypso were rattling noisily from the excessive amount of heat they were having to withstand as the Calypso and I broke through the thick atmosphere of the planet.

My teeth clattered together painfully, tremors from the rumbling of the ship causing my entire body to shake as the containers in the back of the ship jostled around like a child was throwing a full-blown tantrum in the back of the Calypso.

But that was nothing of the matter.

The fact of the matter was that the Calypso was plummeting down to what I visually assumed to be Earth but as the spaceship grew rapidly closer to a vast ground level of something of a deep blue color, possibly an ocean at best bet, my gut clenched with the possibility that this wasn't exactly Earth.

And as the Calypso was just mere moments away from crashing into the surface of the planet, and I was mere milliseconds away from reaching the threshold of death, I closed my eyes because, as dumb as it may seem to some, I didn't want to see what was going to kill me when the Calypso did crash into the planet.

I just wanted to see darkness and when I did die, if that was the last thing I ever saw in this lifetime, then so be it.

Bracing myself for the damaging and possibly life ending impact, a small voice in the back of my head counted backwards from ten as if it was initiating a sequence.

A death sequence, that is.


And then, there was nothing but darkness when the Calypso collided in a furious crash against the planet's surface level.

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