Part 65

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shang jinghui did not want to catch all the people who were not safe enough at once, it was not realistic, and it was not worth the loss, so when he caught a few big fish, he resolutely collected the rod, and then dealt with those people with lightning speed, in order to achieve the purpose of killing chickens and monkeys.

the company's rectification was relatively smooth, and the people under him basically had no problems, taking the opportunity to remove the power of those old slippery directors, and the rest could be handled by vice president lu.

the trouble is that the merchants are unlikely to completely remove them from the group, and shang jinghui can only throw people into the hands of the merchants, or arrange them for a nominal idle position, and prevent them from interfering in the company's affairs.

as for shang xingzhi, for the time being, it has not been found that he has anything to do with this incident, so shang jinghui did not pay much attention to him, but only sent him the evidence that xu qian sent someone to assassinate shang jingyun.

after reading it, shang xingzhi was so angry that he threw the document into xu qian's face on the spot and asked in a sharp voice: "is this the good thing you did?" 

although he didn't like shang jingyun's eldest son, he didn't care about shang jingyun's life and death, in the end, it was also his own flesh and blood that he had raised for more than twenty years, and he wouldn't have no feelings at all.

he really didn't expect xu qian, who usually looked gentle and considerate, to do such a vicious thing as murdering his stepson.

in the past, when shang jingyun was young, he came to complain to him that xu qian had pushed himself into the pond and almost drowned, and shang xingzhi thought that shang jingyun did not like his stepmother so he deliberately framed xu qian, so he did not believe shang jingyun's words at all, but now, he did not dare to be so sure that shang jingyun was lying.

xu qian had long been mentally prepared for being exposed, of course, she would not admit this crime, she looked aggrieved and cried and defended: "i did not! i didn't do it! how could i let people kill jing yun, we have been a husband and wife for so many years, don't you still believe in me as a person? "

"so what is this? the evidence is overwhelming, how can you make me believe you? the merchant asked angrily.

xu qian's tears flowed even more fiercely, and she was at a loss: "i don't know, it must be jing huan who framed me!" yes, it was he who framed me, and your nephew must have wanted to swallow the family property left by the old man alone, so he deliberately forged these things to destroy the feelings of our husband and wife, and you should not be deceived by him..."

shang xingzhi interrupted her impatiently, "enough! whether it's true or not i'll check it out. "

xu qian also wanted to explain, and shang xingzhi directly called the housekeeper and said, "send her back to the room, you are not allowed to let her out without my order, and you are not allowed to contact anyone." 

when xu qian heard this, she was even more flustered, and asked with a sneer: "you want to lock me up?" business, i have served you for so many years, you have no feelings for me at all? you believe everything people say, but you don't believe me, don't you? 

shang xingzhi saw the tear marks on her face, and there was a moment of hesitation in her heart, and finally she said strongly: "i will find out about this matter, and before that, you should go back to the room to calm down." 

xu qian put away the sneer, sighed in her heart, and her face returned to its previous meekness, turning to leave, but she heard shang xingzhi ask, "where did jing yun go, you really don't know?" 

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