Author's Note

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Author's Note

   Hey everyone, I know that it's been nearly a year since I've written a fanfic of any kind here on Wattpad due to my demanding work schedule. I've missed you all so much and am so glad to be returning back to Wattpad, especially since I'll have most of the summer off from my main job (I'm a childcare program director and I truly love my job, but it takes up A LOT of my time these days). 

    I absolutely LOVE the Kaimelia ship from this season of Grey's Anatomy. Kai and Amelia are one of the best couples I've seen on the show in a long time, which is why I wanted to explore them further via a series of one shots. I loved seeing more LGBT representation on the show this season, especially since I happen to be Bi. I hope you all enjoy this series of Kaimelia one shots! My first one shot will be coming soon :) <3


Kaimelia One Shots (Kai x Amelia) (Grey's Anatomy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now