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I've heard it said that soulmates always have a way of finding each other. The bond soulmates share is something special, something one of a kind. It's irreplaceable. That bond never changes. It never fades or breaks, instead, it remains forever strong despite how bad things get. And soulmates, no matter how far apart they get, no matter how roughly they're torn apart or what vast roadblocks lie ahead, always find their way back to each other. The soulmate bond can survive anything and only gets strong with time. And how do you know you've found it? You just do. It's an incredible feeling that goes beyond words.  

Everything happens for a reason. The people that come into your life always have a purpose there. It can come in the form of lessons, some harder than others. But they help you grow and learn. Soulmates play a huge role. Bigger than you can comprehend. It isn't always easy to find them though. And sometimes if you love someone, you need to let them go. If they come back to you, you know it's true. But if they don't, let them be. That way they can be free. 

Soulmates come in many forms, Soulfriends, Soul teachers and the one we all know, the classic often romantical soulmate. All of which you should cherish and hold onto for as long as you can, for those are the ones who'll never do you wrong and stay by you thick and thin. They are the ones who help you most to grow and will never let you down.

You may not believe such a thing can exist. That soulmates are nothing more than a fantasy fairy tale, set by hopeless romantics. Or that it's just pure myth. Or something purely made up by overimaginative writers. Who knows? Each to their own I guess.

I believe it to be real. I know it has to be. And how do I know this may you ask?  Well, that's easy, it's because I found it within a place, within a person that has been there from the very beginning...

Could This Be Love? (Nathan Sykes fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon