We stayed silent for a few minutes before I got up and looked at him "Goodbye" I whispered

Luke stood up from the bed and stepped towards me

I closed my eyes and felt his breath on my cheek before he kissed it and stepped away looking in my eyes "Goodbye April" I smiled still in a daze and left

Xavier better fucking appreciate that I left my crush that I've liked since I can remember to be with him and Caleb after Luke finally started noticing me

While on my way back home I zoned out remembering the last time I saw my brother, Aaron

6 months ago

"What the fuck did you say?!"

"I kissed...-" He cut me off

"I heard what you said idiota but perché? Come mai? cazzo April perché? sai com'è e ti ho avvertito di lui, ma hai ignorato tutto ciò che ho detto e sei rimasto coinvolto con lui" he scolded me

(Why? fuck April why? you know how he is and I warned you about him, but you ignored everything I said and still got involved with him)

But he was so...sweet

Well for one day then the next day the internet was filled with his photos with some blonde bimbo model

He took my first kiss and went out with another girl the day after

And what did he do when I confronted him? He said it was a good kiss but he doesn't fuck with virgins

cazzo di stronzo

(Fucking asshole)

"Didn't you use to like some nerdy guy at your school? WHAT THE FUCK MADE YOU KISS HIM?!" I felt guilty and decided to tell Aaron but here he is yelling at me

I didn't really think about Luke when I felt his lips on mine

It's supposed to be wrong because he's so much older but it felt right

"Fine go back to California now and don't come back here I'll come visit you when I have free time but If I find you near him ever again giuro su Dio che ti rinchiuderò in questa casa I can't have you risking your safety Mom and dad left me to take care of you and I won't have you obsessing over some stupid kiss that didn't even mean anything to him" I looked down because I knew what he was saying was the right thing but a part of me wanted to argue back but I knew better

(I swear to God I'll lock you up in this house)

Aaron doesn't even like me staying in California alone if I say another word he won't allow me to go back so I better just keep my mouth shut

The Gang Leader's Possession Where stories live. Discover now