Chapter 33: Sklergons

Start from the beginning

"Awh, look at her!" you squeak, quickening your pace and then squatting down a little to pet Sam's little friend. "What are you a cutie! Ah yes, you are such a cutie!" Sam is standing there a little awkwardly, but you pay him no mind. "What's her name?" Sam, who's just silently been admiring you, startles when you look at him and he needs to properly process what you've said.

"Fran," he eventually manages to say and he starts fidgeting with his hands now, looking away from you.

"Awh, you're such a cutie, Fran! Yes, you are! Yes, you are!" When you're finally done with spoiling her with attention, you stand up straight as she enthusiastically puts her paws on your clothing, wanting more of it. You laugh at this.

"She likes you," Sam simply comments, not sure of what he should do. You roll your eyes with a grin.

"Of course, she does, Sammy. Who doesn't?" You lean against the wall with your arms crossed, grinning mischievously, causing Sam's entire body to heat up. You notice his darkened face, so you immediately clear your throat awkwardly and stand straight again, chuckling awkwardly. It's kind of easy to just forget that he basically asked you to be in a relationship with him when he called you a virgin right after. "Uh, if I ever make you feel uncomfortable or some shit, just tell me-"

"No, no, that's not it," he chuckles, "it's fine, really."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, of course." You doubt his words, but when you keep looking at him with uncertainty, he simply smiles. "Y/N, I'll get over it. It's just something small. Don't worry. It's something I have to deal with, not you." You're surprised by the way he handles it. Like, sure, he's just respecting your choice and boundaries and blah blah blah, but after the whole shit with Dream and likely even Wilbur, you just didn't expect him to take your no that easily.

Out of pure impulsive happiness, you hug him. It's the kind of hug an upset sister would give her older sibling, looking for some sort of comfort, and maybe that's what you saw it as. But to Sam, it means so much more. He doesn't even understand why, but feeling your body against his causes his heartbeat to quicken more and more. The hug in no way is meant to be anything other than platonic, but as expected, it feeds his delusions even more. "Thank you," you almost whisper, before letting go of him and following the excited Fran inside. Sam still stands there for a bit, before swallowing his nerves and walking inside as well.

"You're thanking me for something so easy to do," he then proceeds to say. "Does your gratitude have anything to do with Dream? You were obviously so reluctant to actually go on that date with Dream, but is there anything else he's done or has he made you feel uncomfortable or something? You just have to say so, if that's the case."

"It's nothing I can't handle," you assure him as you continue tickling his dog. "He's a desperate asshole who just settled for the first person treating him with decency."

"You're making it sound so much less than I feel like it actually is," he says and as much as you know he's speaking the truth, you're not willing to argue with him on this.

"Listen, Sam, I'm sure you have good intentions, but I really don't want to talk about this, I'm sorry, I just can't."

"It's okay," he responds, rubbing his arm uncomfortably. "I just want you to know, if he ever does something, just tell me. I already have heard some stories for Tommy and I don't want you to get hurt as well." As well? What did he do to Tommy?

You decide not to go further into it, though. Instead, you look around. Before you know it, your eyes fall on a robot half your height standing in the corner. It's not finished yet, obviously, but it is obviously a robot. Sam chuckles when he sees your eyes fall on his creation and he smiles. "That's Sam Nook. I'm still working on him, but he's meant to be for Tommy."

"That's fucking adorable," you chuckle. "I like that he doesn't look so human too. Like, he's obviously a robot."

"Otherwise it'd just be another Dream but me," Sam shrugs and he crosses his arms, looking away from you and his creation. You simply hum, before turning to him with a smile.

"Shall we go to the basement immediately? Maybe the Sklergons can already start working right away." Your question throws him off-guard. But then again, what that you do doesn't at this point? He nods and the two of you enter his basement. It's not exactly big, but it's not small either. And for a basement it's fucking clean. It's cleaner than literally the cleanest room in your house, even if that might not say all that much. "Did you clean your basement before I was coming?"

Sam lets out a chuckle. "This used to be kind of like my workshop. Not exactly, but it was mainly where I worked when I had to do something for Pandora's."

"You didn't have to do that, mate. Just say you didn't have room."

"But I did. And I thought 'might as well tidy up the place'." You hum as a response, before putting down the bag and opening it, revealing a box with one single button on it.

"Well, I think it'll do," you say, smiling to yourself. The light purple box with the one button, you place on the floor, and you look at Sam. "I'll explain to you first what this is. I won't explain too much of it, but with one press of this button, one Sklergon appears. I've explained it before, but I'll explain it again: all the hard work can be left to the Sklergons. When a Sklergon gets a task, they fulfil it and after that disappear. Death motivates them, but they're unable to die until their task is fulfilled. They can do literally anything, but don't try to give them too difficult jobs. Just don't give them jobs at all unless I ask you to. So, don't touch this box unless I tell you otherwise. I'm sorry, I'm colonizing your entire fucking basement right now, but oh well." You press the button a few times and the creatures that are a bit higher than you appear in front of the two of you. They have a light yellow skin and black eyes. Sam startles.

"Hello! I'm Shulky Sklergon! Look at me!" they all say in unison and Sam simply says "uhh".

"Hello, Sklergons of mine! As you likely already know, I've brought you in this world for a purpose, as you likely know. And well, what I want you to do, is to build an inside playground in my friend Sam's basement here! I have the blueprints already, but you'll have to get the materials yourself. Feel free to make more rooms than just this. I'll leave y'all in charge of it. Feel free to summon more Sklergons if you think it's necessary, though," you tell them right away as you hand them the blueprints and the box.

"We can do this!" the Sklergons cheer in unison and they start discussing the matter right away. Sam wants to say something, but you've already come up with another idea before he can even speak.

"Oh! What if we made an orchestra?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You know, an orchestra? We can give the kids a feel of what it's like to listen to a live orchestra and maybe we can even let them play one of the instruments! I already have something prepared for what the Sklergons can play, so I can give them this as a side quest!" Sam shrugs.

"Uh, I guess, you do you?" And thus, you indeed give them the second task, which they accept with enthusiasm. Sam and you go upstairs again and Sam, to say the least, is absolutely appalled. "And, uh, they're not going to turn on us or something? I don't have to be concerned about terroristic Sklergons in my house because they decided to betray us? Right?"

"Sam, sweetheart, your robot is more likely to turn on you than the Sklergons. I wouldn't be too concerned about it. And even if it did happen, which again, is extremely unlikely and nearly impossible, I always have a plan for that. But if I were you, I wouldn't try to even think that something like that will happen."

"You sure?"

"Usually I'm not, but I am in this case."


The Sklergons are heavily inspired by/based on the Meeseeks from Rick and Morty (:

And I hope y'all liked this chapter :D I didn't exactly know what I wanted to write in this very specific chapter, but I can tell you that next chapter is going to be quite... interesting

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