The Power of Music

Start from the beginning

"Since when did you give an accurate representation of attraction? What the hell-" Technk grumbled, Tommy shrugging.


"oh so you're a bookworm now? Sorry but Techno's already taken that title-" Wilbur waved off as Techno nudged him in his ribs, continuing to sip his tea.

"Says twinkle toes who can't even stand 13 seconds without music playing in the background so he can do whatever Father asked him to do." Techno fired, earning a death glare from Wilbur.

"I thought we agreed to use that insult privately..." He hissed.

"Yeah well now I'm making it public so get out of your own ass and deal with it," Techno scoffed.

Tommy just laughed as he now had some dirt to rub on Wilbur for an entire lifetime to come.

In all honesty, he wished he hadn't thought of unlucky number 13 because Wilbur's luck was beginning to run out.

Philza's harmonica suddenly stopped playing and immediately broke apart in his hands as he let it fall several feet below him.

XD looked at Wilbur as the man paused with no tempo to keep him in time of his planned attacks.

"Let's see how long you last....twinkle toes.." XD chuckled.

Wilbur tried to keep his cool but he didn't even last 5 seconds.

4 seconds later he was kicked towards the rocky wall and landed on his stomach. Slowly picking himself back up, he felt a sharp pain in his back as he was smashed into the rock.

Falling to the floor, he watched as Techno watched him begin to bare scrapes and bruises, all for his sake.


Wilbur didn't make an effort to move though, not even try to flee.

"Like hell I will," he cursed, trembling as he gripped his stomach in pain.
Despite what his will was telling him to say, his body was disagreeing.

Techno watched, knowing that Wilbur couldn't take anymore, he had already exerted himself at the beginning.

Another flaw about Wilbur is that he goes all out during those dance battle, lost in the moment, keeping beat, swinging around his sword as if it were a baton.
He truly felt like a conductor in those few moments.

Wilbur looked at his brother's eyes, the urge to help residing within the pupil. As he looked at his brother, he could catch a glimpse of his own battered body in the reflection of his gaze and just smiled.

He knew damn well he was probably going to go out. He wouldn't be able to find Tommy with them,
he wouldn't be able to throw another insult at his twin, and he wouldn't be able to play his guitar for an audience.

He could imagine the instrument, the wooden base, the metal picks, the strings....

The strings...

Everything was attached to one thing by something, connected through it.
The bonds of the connected were similar in a way to the keys of the piano, the strings of guitar, or the valves of a trumpet.

One could not work without the other. Someone else had to be there.

Even if it was the same note, it can be played in different ways. It all depended on how the person that guided their hands across it was able to unite them.

This world has many unique and prosperous individuals, but none can truly thrive without someone else by there side.

Wilbur learned that from Techno himself, he figured it out.

Sure, his brother may hog the spotlight most of the time and be what everyone called a "prodigy" but that was only because of Wilbur.

It was only because they had a comparison to make between the two brothers that they were able to find the one who grew up fast and the one who was still growing up.

He knew he was immature at times, always focusing on things that weren't even meant for a prince and that he took to one of the requirements a little too seriously.

But dear author what do you mean?

Well dear cheeseburgers, maybe it had seemed all this time that Wilbur was doing just fine and that he wasn't even fazed by Techno's brilliance but...

Everyone knows how to put on an act, it's easy if you've done it all your life...

Let's go back a bit, let's review Wilbur and Techno's early life a bit..

Not from Tommy's memories, not from glimpses of the voices, not from Technos own fragmented head....

But from someone who looked fine all this time but really wasn't.

Someone who was mischievous prankster before Tommy came along...

Someone who still hadn't been entirely saved yet....

Someone who can tell us the whole story.

Cliff hanger.

Took a while for me to decide what I wanted to do for this next chapter but I decided in this and I'm pretty happy with it so mission accomplished!

Hope you enjoyed reading and remember, drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a goodnights sleep.

Unless you wanna stay up ;)

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