We are at War....

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Ranboo twitched.

He actually felt like he remembered something. For some reason, those words never faded from his mind. They were etched into stone, like those words meant something.

What had he just said?

"Ranboo? You okay boss man?" Tubbo asked.

"Tubbo, do these words ring a bell to you?" Ranboo lifted up his notebook and showed it to Tubbo.

"No? Are they supposed to?" Ranboo just shrugged.

"I said the exact same thing to Tommy and he looked at me like he had just seen a ghost or something..."

he looked back at the notes.

"I think you had enough action for today, why don't you rest?" Tubbo suggested.

Ranboo stood up and was about to walk to another room, when the door creaked open to reveal a shocked blonde.

"Good morning?" Ranboo said, even though it was 11:00 at night

. "Oh, so the memory wiper decided to show up.." Tubbo grumbled.

"Ranboo, do you still have those tiny voices in your head?" He asked.

Tubbo stood up abruptly and knocked over a flower vase that appeared out of nowhere but I'm still gonna add it for ✨effect

Ranboo felt himself start to hyperventilate. Tubbo was panicking because he didn't want him to into his trance like state. Tommy was not concerned though.

Tommy walked towards them but Tubbo swatted him away.


Tommy ignored him though, pushing him to the side and crouching next to Ranboo. Tommy then decided to try something.

Something that Wilbur had used with him that helped him fall asleep one night when he was up because of a nightmare.

Of course he didn't tell him why he was up he just said he wasn't tired.

It was an unfinished symphony that had been left unfinished forever.

He could almost hear Wilbur plucking every string as he began the melody, humming the beat, Wilburs voice echoing the lyrics as he called them into his head.

"I heard there was a special place" Ranboo looked up at him as he gulped in a shaky breath.

"Copy my breathing," he said as he sang the next verse.

"Where man could go and emancipate...the brutality and tyranny of their rulers....."

He breathed in.

His memories seemed to mesh together, Wilburs guitar combined with his singing.

"Well this place is real...."

Ranboo breathed in.

"You is real needn't fret, with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Fuck Eret," he chuckled as he exhaled.

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