Your Worst Nightmare

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Drista panted slightly, her eyes darting around the room. Her nightmares were growing worse.

She could barely sleep. She got up from bed and went downstairs only to find a figure standing there, a glass in their hand.

"Well Hello...." she back away slowly at their voice, grabbing a nearby fork.

Her heart was racing with anticipation at the figure. She knew who it was and she feared him. The same emerald green cloak shone in the moonlight, a mask of the most deceiving smiles appearing.

"Clay?" she asked. Dream knocked down the table.

"Clay? You really think your brother still lurks within me?" he snarled.

"I do." she stated firmly. He just scoffed.

"You children and your utter beliefs....honestly......"

he flung a knife which Drista swiftly caught between her index and middle finger.

"You never really stop dreaming do you? Especially you..."

Drista tensed. He knew about the nightmares. He was the cause of them.

"YOU WERE THE ONE WHO CREATED THEM!!?!?!?!?!? YOU WERE THE ONE WHOS TRYING TO KILL EVERYONE!?!?!?!?!?!!!!" she screamed. Hot tears ran down her cheeks.

"Why would you do that Clay? Why?" she sobbed.

"Oh he's not the one doing it....I am, but history will see your dear brother as the villain.....I am not a mere dream either.......I'm your worst nightmare."

Drista scrambled away, grabbing her own green cloak and throwing it over her shoulders. She scrambled to the spare room and climbed the stairs pounding on the door.

She opened it up and was met with tired eyes, Techno being the only one alert.

"We heard yelling," Wilbur said.

"WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" She shut the door and locked it.

"Why? Its the middle of the night," she breathed out.

"Dreams here," the room fell silent.

Techno grabbed his sword and slipped on his boots.

His blood curdling eyes glowed with anger, a low growl filling the room.

"You 4 go, I'll hold him off," he said as he rushed out of the room before the others could protest. "No! Hes gonna get himself killed!" Purpled said as he rushed to equip his armor.

Drista knew that this would happen.

Right now, no personal feelings could get in the way. They had to leave.

"Gather up all your things and hold my hands." she ordered.

They all looked at her with confused looks but obliged. She then took a shaky breath, teleporting them outside of the cottage.

Wilbur looked back on the cottage as he rushed to the front door, only to feel a tug at his sleeve.

"You mustn't go, otherwise everything will be jeopardized and the whole plan will crumble!" she pleaded. Wilbur ignored her though.

"Family comes first. You of all people should know that."

he said as he knocked down the door and ran in. She saw Purpled and Puffy about to run in and just screamed. She couldn't lose them.

She couldn't let them die at her feet. She had too much on the line already.

For a moment time stopped. Puffy and Purpled were frozen in place.

Time itself collapsed as Drista gasped and realized what she had done. Her eyes widened in horror though as Dream remained moving, wrapping his arm around Techno and holding a blade to his throat.

"Now....let me take the so-called 'Blood God'  or else, I'll kill him and everyone else here....." he sneered.

Drista felt the color drain from her face as she felt her lip quiver and her heart beat fast.


She had to make a choice that meant life or death to those around her.

She looked at all of their faces. Their determined faces, their eyes.


Tommy had been an eye reader, always being able to tell what she was feeling when he made eye contact or even caught a glimpse of your pupils.

She gave in as she made her final choice.

"Take him. Just leave the others alone." she bit her lip.

"Now that's a good girl...." he smirked under his mask as he grabbed his sword out of his hand and took a rope out of his pocket and began tying him up.

He looked at her, those dark beads haunting her world for as long as she could remember.

"Until we meet again....Sister..." she felt her whole world come crashing down.

Why did she have to lose everything?

"I'm not sister of yours......Clay...please....come back..." she silently mumbled.

"You done whining crybaby?" he said.

"Who are you? Why are you possessing my brother?" she demanded to know.

She had to know who was taking her brother from her all those years.

"Lets just say......"

he lifted up his mask to reveal, blood red eyes.

"He made a deal with the devil...."


Hey Cheeseburgers! I apologize for the short chapters recently its just trying to progress the story and get to the exciting parts! anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

So, how do you think Drista was able to freeze time itself?

Why did Dream take Techno?

What happens when Tommy finds out?

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