Rewrite the Story

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Drista soundlessly lept from branch to branch, the silent grunts of the guards behind her.

"I thought you guys were specially trained and hand-picked by the king himself.....except you Purpled your actually managing to keep up," Drista said before leaping to the next branch.

The other guards struggled to keep up, exhausted from running all around the forest for over 2 hours. Drista and Purpled were bursting with energy though, simply just jogging through the many branches and leaves that threatened to stand in their way.

"You know it's been a while since I've had a good run like this on my own and not being ordered around the castle when theres all these other guards to choose from to help!"

Purpled had developed plenty of stamina from the past couple of years and was one of the most mysterious but high ranking Knights in the whole Antarctic Empire.

Drista finally stopped and Purpled follow her lead the others guards soon catching up with the two out of breath.

"Status Report." Drista ordered.

"Well, these guys finally understood what years of torture I had to go through, second, The volcano is just up ahead, about a couple more minutes and we should be at the rendezvous point,"
Purpled reported as Drista raised an eyebrow.

They both continued running, the guards breathing heavily behind them.

"A volcano? Whats that?" Drista asked.

"Well think about when you get a scrape or injury, you'll usually see that oozing red liquid called blood. Its a rock that oozes out magma, which is melted rock, which is really hot and can burn you at the touch.." Drista nodded.

"So its like Mother Earth's wound?"
Purpled chuckled a bit.

"Yeah you can think of it sorta like that."
he responded as they finally reached their final destination. Drista held her hand to signal silence and crept silent around the tree and eventually made it to ground level as she peered through the bushes.

There she saw henchman walking around the border of the monstrosity, chanting but also looking around, trying to see if they could find anything unusual.

Minutes turned into hours.

Soon, it became Midnight, and Drista deemed it fit to start heading back.
Everyone started going but then something stopped Drista in her tracks.

"Gotta say, the boss is one clever genius, I wonder how he even caught the Blood God in the first place..."
"Nevermind that, Boss is gonna get a good catch out of that bait!"

They both snickered and continued patrolling the perimeter. Drista's eyes widened is realization.

It's a trap....

Tommy stood from far from a tree, his arms stretched outwards, his feet shoulder width apart, and his mind bored.
Apparently this was an exercise Tubbo had learned about and thought it would be a good idea.

"We need to keep that burn under control, now, focus on this single tree branch, try to avoid burning the whole entire fucking ass tree behind me! Got it?" He asked.

Tommy nodded and began.

He took a deep breath in, then took another one out. Loosen up..not too tense n-

the tree caught in the fiery pits of hell, but a hasty Tubbo and Ranboo splashed buckets of water on the tree.

"It's okay Tommy! Just try again!"
He encouraged as he went back to the stream to collect more river water.

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