Who's the Fool?

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Techno sat behind saturated bars in the middle of a boiling pool of lava.

A volcano.... He grumbled.

He took a look at his surroundings but all he saw was the sturdy rock holding the scorching fire below him.

Being a piglin hybrid he didn't exactly mind the heat like normal humans would or rather other hybrids.

He was thanking the gods for that.

It was incredibly boring in that little cell hanging above the literal death trap below him.
He decided to have a chat with the voices.

He closed his eyes as he let the darkness engulf him and his surroundings fade away.

He stood in the peering silence, just waiting for even a slightest peep.
The voices hadn't exactly been that noisy.

Hey guys, the Blood God actually comes in abstract form!

So Blood God? Gonna start finally acknowledging us?

Instead of just pushing us away like nuisances!!!!

"So that's why you were quiet..." he huffed as he crossed his arms waiting for them to continue bickering.

They always seemed to spill some kind of knowledge whenever they argued with one another.

Can't believe this guy got captured, I mean honestly, he the BLOOD GOD for crying out loud!

Wasn't the girl the one who made the deal?

She was the one who saved the others but sacrificed him!

Technos interest peaked.
What does Drista have to do with any of this?

"What deal?" He asked, tapping his foot impatiently.

Well you see-

"Well well..."

Techno opened his eyes to reveal a figure stand on the rim of the volcano peering his beady eyes at him.

"If it isn't the blood god himself..." he snickered, Techno leaning his head back, bored knowing that the whole villain speech is gonna happen.

Here we go...  He thought.

"This your house?"
"You s- what no"
"So your homeless?"
"Y- no, I live in the castle-"

"Hear that chat? This guy doesn't have a house."
He said as Dream let out some steam.

"I suggest you watch your mouth..." his mask dipped down into the lava and Techno stared down at it. Despite being a Piglin hybrid, he still was vulnerable to lava.

(Before you go all hating on me, Techno ain't a zombified piglin, he's just a regular piglin. I literally logged into Minecraft and the non zombie piglin died in the lava)

"Fine, what do you want?"

"It's not exactly what I want from you but what I want from that brat...Tommy was it?"

Techno lifted his head and stood up, gripping his hands onto the bars.

"And what do you possibly need with him?"
"Oh? Has the Blood God gone soft?"
He asked teasingly, Techno letting out a low growl.

"Techno, your the obstacle that stood in my way, but we can make those obstacles into our strong suits.." His lips curled into a Malicious smile.

"Techno, I'll be straightforward with you. You're the bait. Tommy's the prey, and I'm the hunter..."

Dream saw the lightbulb click on in Technos head. "This is a trap....your luring him..."
he said as Dream nodded.
"Bingo. Now with you, my trap is complete."

Techno still didn't understand one thing though. "Dream, even you know one punch couldn't take me down, exactly how did you cheat?"

"It was Drista...I said I would kill the others unless she handed you over...she was a fool for making that trade...."

"No. She wasn't." Techno growled.
"Your the fool Dream." Dream just laughed.

He smirked as he turned around and left.

Dream...you will pay...

Alright Cheeseburgers I have a confession...


also I apologize for the short chapter I was sorta rushing, I want y'all to spam me tomorrow if I don't post a chapter tomorrow cause like, I need to get on that-

Funny story:

During one class, our teachers questions for the day was, if you were on a island, what five items would you bring with you?

My answer: An ostrich, kitchen timer, bungee cord, dynamite, and something to light the dynamite with.
Lets just say my teacher was trying to comprehend what I was trying to accomplish

My plan: Defy Gravity and the laws of physics

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

Remember, drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a goodnights sleep, unless you wannna stay up ;)

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