Broken Swarm of Feelings

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Tommy sat by the riverbank, feeling the flow of the water between his fingertips.
He breathed in the fresh air and listened closely to the sounds of nature.

The scent of scrumptious beef caught his attention as he stood up and walked over to his friends.

"Ranboo, we are not adding the spaghetti,"
"But I really want to add the bag of spaghetti!"

"Is breakfast almost finished? I'm starving.."
Tommy rubbed his belly as it growled in agreement.

"Be patient Tommy, it's almost done, just one more minute," Tubbo said as Tommy sat down next to them in the grass.

The fire burned with passion, and suddenly, it went out.
"Huh?" Tubbo reached into his pocket.

"DAMMNIT! My flint and steel is broken," he grumbled. Tommy groaned.

He was hangry and worst of all he was frustrated.

By his friends joining him on this "trip", they were putting their lives at risk.

Second, Techno got kicked to the curb somehow and is now being held captive.

Third, he has this weird distorted memory/vision thingy going on.

He slammed his fist onto the ground as his eyes glowed a venomous blood red. A enormous fire erupted below the food, causing Tubbo and Ranboo to flinch back.

"Tommy! Woah okay bossman!"
As Tommy came back to his senses, his eyes glowed a harmonized gold as he stood up, cooling down the fire, letting only a tiny flame burn.

He took a deep breath, exhaling steam through his nostrils.

"Sorry..." he apologized rubbing his arm.

"Tommy..." Tubbo began, placing the charred beef onto a leaf they had cleaned in the river.

"You need to learn to control your abilities can just let your flames engulf you..." Tommy scoffed.

"And what do you suggest I do?" He asked, grumbling even more, the tiny flame starting to flare up.

"Tommy, me and Tubbos abilities are linked with our emotions....we've noticed that your anger and frustration is what cause your flames to act up and burst, causing more damage than you would want....only when you snap back to your sense and calm down, do the flames cease to exist..."

he pointed to the flame.

"What are you feeling right now?"
"and what is the flame doing?" Tommy gazed at the flame, the fire growing in size.

"Flaring up..." he said as he looked at the flame.

"We could work on functioning your powers properly, but we need to focus on emotions first," chimed Tubbo.

"Thing is though, me and Ranboo are still learning how to adapt to our own feelings and be able to transform them into strength so we could figure it out all together, what do you think?"
Tommy nodded.

"That might be a good idea...."

He walked back towards the water, dipping his hand into the liquid, the cool water flowing gently through his hand.

"This is so weird..."

Tommy opened his eyes to reveal toddler Techno at the dinner table, fidgeting around with a glass.

Techno took a sip of water, absorbing its hydrating contents.

"It's tastes so....clean...." Wilbur laughed.

"Only water we've ever had was always polluted with illnesses, dirt, and just other disgusting things. It did build up our immune system though..." Wilbur said as he gulped down all of the water.

Tommy's first time drinking clean water was when he stole a bucket from a farmer on his way to a town.

When he dipped his head in to gulp the water, it was incredibly smooth and clear, refreshing as well. He savored every last drop.

He smiled as the image shifted, back to the burnt forest, a creation of his monstrous nature.

The dried up river, the bones of the fish lying there in the bare rock.

The trees branches bare with no leaves or color of life, the ground with no nutrients.

Tommy knelt down, as his shadow showed a horrifying sight.

A monster killing.
A monster craving blood.

A Monster with No Love

Hello Cheeseburgers! How you enjoyed this chapter!

Remember, drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a goodnights sleep, unless you wanna stay up ;)

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