Chapter Twenty-Five: You're More Whipped Than Whipped Cream

Start from the beginning

"Having fun?"

I jump back from my chair and look up to see Colton leaning against the door frame. When did he even get here?

"I'm- I'm- I mean, I didn't see you there." I gesture to the door and he let's out a laugh. "You're here early." I turn to the clock and he still has another fifteen minutes to pick me up.

"I know, I thought we could make a couple of stops before we go there. You know since it's about a three hour drive?" He asks and my mouth falls open.

"Three hours drive?! I thought you said it was outside of the city!"

"I did." He scratches the back of his neck. "...But it's on the other side of city."

"So not where Amanda lives then?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No, the opposite direction of that." He says and my mouth falls open."Do you really think I'll be picking you up this early if it was an hours drive?"

"Lets go." He chuckles and I stand up to turn the radio off. I grab my bag from the floor and swing it over my shoulder then follow behind him. I say goodbye to Brad and get into Coltons car.

I look at the backseat to see Coltons bag and god its so small. "Please tell me that's not the bag you're going to bring."

"What's wrong with it?" He asks. Yep, its the bag he's bringing.

"Nothing... It's just so small." I say and he laughs starting the engine. He reverses away from the house and drives onto the main road.

"I'm a boy Mads. We'll be gone for two days not a week." He says gesturing to my bag. He has a point. I wouldn't say my bags big because it's not. Trust me I have way bigger bags than this. If Colton ever saw the bag I have in mind I think he'll just collapse on the floor.

"Open that." He gestures to the compartment that's inline with my knees. I open it and I frown at him.

"What am I exactly looking for?" I ask and he tuts shaking his head before his hands go into the compartment. He pulls out a CD and he hands it to me. Nickelback- Silver Side Up.

"How did you know I liked these?" I ask and read the tracks on the back of the case. Never again is such a good song. How does he know I love listening to these though?

"I've known you for six months Mads." He winks and my heart skips a beat. Six months with Colton! I remember when the principal asked me to tutor him and I was dreading it. The tutoring stopped when his grades got back on track.

I immediately insert the CD and track one comes on- Never again. I start moving my head to the song and Colton joins.

"He's drunk again, it's time to fight. She must have done something wrong tonight-"

"Can we change the song... It's so depressing." He asks and I laugh nodding. He changes it to How you remind me.

"Never made it a wise man. I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealin'. Tired of livin' like a blind man." We both sing together and moving our heads to the rhythm of the song.

"Now this is more like it." He says and I laugh rolling my head back in laughter. He turns the volume up to such a high volume its like we have our own nightclub. In a car of course.

After two hours we pull up to a couple of restaurants that looks appetising even though we're only on the outside. Me and my appetite has grown since I've been hanging around with Colton,  he's always telling me how healthy it is to eat and not skip meals.

We walk over to McDonald's and wait in the que. He's telling me how hungry he is and I can't help but smile at his eagerness to inhale the food.

"What would you like to order?" The female behind the counter pulls us out of our conversation. Colton doesn't hesitate to answer as I know he's being thinking about him and the BigMac in his mouth.

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