Chapter 14

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2 weeks later~

I sat on the branch of a large tree, barely in the campus. I opened up my homework and started writing.

I was almost finished when I heard a sickeningly familiar voice.

"Can I join you?"

"No." I replied to the voice.

I felt the tree start to shake, and I felt him plop down next to me.

"Why haven't you told anyone what I did?" Mattheo asked.

I didn't answer. I wasn't completely sure myself. I wanted to tell people, but I couldn't. Maybe deep down I did actually care about him, but I don't know.

"Please talk to me." he begged.

I remained silent.

"Then listen," he started talking, "I'm so sorry for what I did, I just care about you too much to let you do this to yourself. I need you to forgive me because I don't know what I would do if you didn't forgive me. I'll do whatever you want me to do. Please just forgive me. I'll never cast another spell, or use another potion on you without your permission. I just want you to be okay and forgive me and I just can't handle it if you ignore me. I can't live with myself knowing you hate me-"

"I don't hate you," I cut him off, "Am I beyond pissed at you? Yes. But hate you? No, I can't. I don't know why, I just can't seem to hate you."

Mattheo smiled.

"But I can't forgive you yet. I need to know you will actually keep your promises." I whispered.

"Okay. I will prove it to you, Amaya Miller. I promise," Mattheo smiled.


Mattheo had been...great the past few days.

Showering me with gifts I can't accept, spending time with me, making sure I ate, but was gentle about it. I was close to forgiving him, but I couldn't just yet.

"What's on your mind?" someone asked.

I looked up to see the familiar person, "Hi Harry."

He smiled, "What's on your mind?" my friend repeated.

"It's not important." I quickly tried to change the subject, "You have a Quidditch game soon? Can I come?"

Harry nodded, "It's against Slytherin. They apparently have a new Chaser."

"Oh. Any idea who it is?" I questioned, curious.

"No. Just that it's a boy and he's in our year." Harry replied.

"Huh," I wondered who it could be. Oh well. I'll just have to wait till the game.

Oliver Wood suddenly walked up to us with a worried expression, "Harry, we have a problem. One of our Chasers is sick and no one else can play. I refuse to surrender to Slytherin. I don't know what to do, help."

"Well I might know one way..." he looked at me, with a pleading look in his eyes.

"No, no. I am not. I am a disaster at Quidditch." I insisted.

"No you're not! You're probably as good as everyone on Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and even our team. Please we need you. Please," Harry begged, getting Oliver to do so as well.

"Fine," I groaned, "But be warned: I am rubbish at Quidditch."

Harry pumped his fist in the air and Oliver just looked relieved.

They led me to the Quidditch Changing Room, and got me into uniform.

"What did I get myself into," I mumbled as we were about to head on.

"Please welcome the Gryffindor Team! Today, welcome their team captain, and Keeper: Oliver Wood! Their Seeker: Harry Potter, takes the field," the announcer yells, "The Beaters, the Weasley Twins are flying on now. And welcome their special fill-in Chaser, Amaya Miller!"

I flew onto the field and saw Hermione and Ron cheering. I smiled and looked around for Mattheo, but I couldn't find him. I shrugged it off, assuming he was just late.

The announcer was droning on about the Slytherin Team when I finally listened, "And their newest Chaser, Mattheo!"

I looked up to see the brown haired, brown eyed, smirking Mattheo.

I rolled my eyes, and got ready. No way he was going to win. No way in hell.

The balls were released and Mattheo grabbed the Quaffle, smirking. He flew towards the goal as I flew up to him, knocking the ball out of his hands and into mine. I flew toward the other goal, and Mattheo bumped into me. I managed to stay on my broom and keep the Quaffle in my hands. I passed the ball to Angelina, another Chaser, and she scored.

10 points to Gryffindor.

A Slytherin Chaser, I don't know his name, was flying towards the goal post and I knocked into him, bumping the Quaffle out of his hands. Katie Bell grabbed the ball, and flew towards the Slytherin goal post. Bloody Bletchley knocked the ball away from the post and someone else got the ball. Mattheo. He flew up to the goals and scored.

10 points to Slytherin.

The game went on, a constant battle between me and Mattheo. I got the Quaffle, he stole it. He got the Quaffle, I stole it. Back and forth, the competition between us was visible to everyone. We both wanted to win so badly and didn't know what to do if we lost.

Most people were shocked at my thirst for victory. No one knew how competitive I could get. If I was against Mattheo, good luck to him and everyone on his team.

I glanced at the scoreboard: Us: 70, Them: 70.

It was a tie. God, Harry needs to catch the Snitch.

I rammed into Mattheo, grabbing the Quaffle and scoring as the Gryffindors watching cheered.

I glanced up to see a Bludger flying towards me, but I managed to doge it.

The game continued for a long time. It felt like ages.

Then, out of the corner of my eye I saw Harry, reaching out for something. His hands grasped around it and I cheered when I realized it was the Snitch.

I looked at Mattheo, smirking. He looked so pissed, it was hilarious. I laughed at him, seeing how funny he looked.

Oliver then came up to me, "Uhh...Maya?" he asked, scratching the back of his head.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response.

"Our other Chaser, the one you filled in for? Well...he quit. So we need a new Chaser and...I-I..." Oliver stuttered while I raised an eyebrow, "Can you join the team? You're brilliant at Quidditch and we need you. Please?" he stretched out the last word.

"Well..." I felt the eager eyes of Harry, Fred, George, Oliver, Katie and Angelina on me, "I guess."

They all cheered and I felt amazing. No one had ever been happy about me doing...well anything before.

"Congrats," a voice behind me said.

"Thanks Theo," I said, then turned around.

I then smiled, genuinely for the first time in a long time.

A/N: I know, I know. The Quidditch's Team has the wrong people in it and that's the team from previous years, but it's just for the story. Thank you for understanding!

Infatuated ~ Mattheo Riddle x OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora