Chapter 7

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A/N: Sorry for not posting yesterday, I didn't have time. I'll post an extra chapter today though, so enjoy! Also, don't ask why she's in the Gryffindor common room. I'm too lazy to rewrite it.

(Tw: Bulling)
2 months later~

My eyes opened quickly as I awoke in the morning, drenched in sweat.


I tip-toed into the bathroom and began my morning by taking a shower. It was nice, after all these year having access to warm water.

I groaned quietly as the water hit my right arm. Damn that hurts.

I stepped out and got into my robes because I didn't have enough energy to pick out an outfit. I threw my hair into a really messy ponytail and decided to leave my sleeping roommates alone to rest.

I crept out of the room and into the Gryffindor common room. I sat on the couch, glancing at a clock on the wall. 5:27. I woke up that early?

I started humming to myself as I pulled out a book and started reading. After a few hours, I started to laugh to myself and said, "Fred, George, you can come out now. I already know you're here."

The twins came out from behind a couch, obviously angry that their prank attempt failed. They've been trying to prank me for weeks.

"How did you know?" exclaimed one of the twins.

"Well Fred, that's for me to know and you to wonder about."

"But, how?" George remarked.

I laughed again, "Wouldn't you like to know."

I rolled my eyes, "You can come out too Ronald."

"How!?" Ron yelled.

"First of all, shh. People are sleeping. Secondly, I'll never tell." I told him, smirking.

"Ughhh!" The three brothers groaned.

"What on Earth is going on here!?" a familiar voice exclaimed.

"Hey Mione," I said without turning around, "These three were trying to prank me."

"We were not!" Fred and George yelled.

"Shhh!" Hermione and I shushed at the same time.

Harry soon joined us in the common room.

"Morning Harry." I said, not looking up from my book.

"How does she keep doing that?" Ron whispered to Harry.

"I heard that!" I called, not looking up still, laughing at Ron's bewilderment.

"Shall we go to the Great Hall?" Harry asked.

"Yes I'm starving!" Ron announced immediately.

"You're always hungry," Hermione said.

"Okay and...?" Ron asked.

Hermione just rolled her eyes. "Fine then."


I was sitting in the Great Hall, just staring at all the food. I can not expressed into words how badly I wanted to shove all that food into my mouth, and eat until there was no food left, but I couldn't. I refused to give into temptation.

Ron was shoveling food into his mouth with his hands as Harry and Hermione ate like normal human beings.

I fake smiled, trying to get it to look as real as the rest. Fake smiles, fake laughs. I need to push down my feelings, I need to hide them. No one will see the real me, ever again. I vowed to myself that since that night 2 months ago with Mattheo, who I haven't spoken to since the ordeal.

"Would you look at that filthy mudblood," an all to familiar voice spoke, "You are a worthless freak. No one cares about you. Wow how much do you eat? You're a real fat cow. I mean, look at you! You are the ugliest girl in Hogwarts, I'm surprised people don't throw up whenever they look at you. Probably the stupidest too. I mean, how are you still here? Why can't you be better? If you were prettier, and kept your little mouth shut, maybe people would like you," he paused for a second, "No. No one could like you, no matter what. Jeez, why are you still here though? No one wants you anywhere."

"That's enough Malfoy." another familiar voice said through gritted teeth, "Stop."

I looked past Draco to see the last person I expected to see. Mattheo.

"And why should I?" Malfoy challenged.

"Because if you don't, your father isn't the only one who will here about this," Mattheo whispered next to Draco's ear, just loud enough for me to hear.

Malfoy's eyes widened in fear and begged, "I'll leave her alone, just please. Don't. I'm begging you."

"Then leave. Her. Alone." Mattheo paused between each word.

I couldn't take this anymore. I walked out of the Great Hall, slamming the large doors shut behind me, barely touching the doors.

Infatuated ~ Mattheo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now