chapter 34

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this is more for me because i keep forgetting i'm sorry haha snape is dad Sirius is papa and remus is dada while James is mama)

Hadrian lays on the bed looking at the place above his stomach that the blue hue had just been in shock he couldn't be pregnant he had a mad women after him!! Sirius stands next to his son is shock he knew it was a possibility an even higher one as he already has his mates with him but seeing it in front of him seeing his pregnant son laying in the bed saying the words with his owns lips seeing the blue hue with his own eyes 

"p-p-pa-papa w-what am i gonna d-d-o?" Hadrian says with tears rolling down his face he is happy he has always wanted a family but he didn't think that it would happen like this with a mad women after him wanting to take his family that he has only just gotten back away from him the women wants to kill him for heavens sake!! 

"w-well you have to tell tom and Draco then you need to have a long hard discussion about this it isn't something you take lightly this is a human being Hadrian i know you are probably scared but you have me and your mama and Dada and dad we are going to support you no matter what you decide to do"

Hadrian looks down at his hands "I'm only 16 papa but I have always wanted a family when I was little i would always imagine me and my partners living in a house a really big one with lots of children some times it would be only two children but other times it would be something like 10!! but no matter how many i was always happy with it"

Sirius smiled at his son he knew the feeling when he and his mates found out Remus was pregnant with their little Hadrian he was a total mess every thought possible went through his head but none of that mattered once he saw his little prince in his arms those big green (idk if i have given him an eye colour I've forgotten TT i'm sorry correct me if i'm wrong :)) eye looking up at him with raw emotion 

"Hadrian having a baby... it is magical when you see them for the first time it is unlike anything you have felt before when I saw you for the first time my whole world changed i wanted to be the very best just for you I wanted to give you everything you ever wanted and never see you cry but being a baby that was impossible really but that is besides the point you are my world your are Remus' and Severus' and James' and this baby if you chose to keep them will be your world they will be Tom's world Draco's world this can be a blessing or a curse you decide and don't worry about that crazy bitch after you, you have a literal thousand year old castle protecting you!! i think you'll be alright" 

Hadrian giggled at his papa before looking down at his belly where a baby was growing "a family sounds nice" Sirius beams at his son at the words that was spoken not needing anymore to know what he meant "I'm gonna be a GRANDPA!!!!" Hadrian laughed at his papa's antics soon joined in by Sirius 

after the father son duo had calmed down and finished talking about their nexr step Hadrian when to his dorm as slow as he could overwhelmingly nervous about telling Tom and Draco about his new discovery 

the door swung open before Hadrian even had time to touch the handle "Hadrian Snape Potter Black Lupin!!! where have you been?! we have been so worried!! I'm really sorry that i annoyed you earlier I didn't mean to I was just worried I didn't want to lose you, you are one of the most important people in my life I would die if I lost you or left me please don't leave me I promise i won't be as annoying anymore and I will try h-" Draco's rant was cut short by Hadrian's lips touching his in a heated kiss 

"I'm the sorry one Dray i overreacted I know you are just trying to protect me and keep me safe but all my life i have had to do that myself protect myself and suddenly having loads of people protecting me it's it's hard to adjust too" Draco nodded in understanding before pulling the smaller male into a tight hug nearly cutting the poor creatures air supply but thankfully Tom came and pulled Draco back a little 

"regardless please tell us were you are going next time please we were very worried" Hadrian nods his head "i just went to an empty classroom and spoke to my spirits for a little before Helena told me a may be pregnant then i rushed to my parents room and Sirius did a magical test thingy and turns out i am and we both freaked out and-" Hadrian slams a hand over his mouth as his eyes go wide... he didn't mean to say that

"could you repeat that for me a moment baby?" Tom says furrowing his brows in concentration while Draco was stood frozen in his spot Hadrian took a deep breath no time like the present I guess "I'm pregnant" 

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