chapter 12

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Remus lupins pov (aka momma)

It's been a week since Hadrian got his creature features and everything has been calm since then

I am now in my private chambers in the dungeons that I share with my lovely mates Sirius and Severus unfortunately James is still missing but we will find him I know it.

It's nearly dinner when my two mates came in Severus looked so sad like he was about to cry my submissive instincts jumped in and so I jumped off the bed launching myself at sev

"Sevy, what's wrong why you sad?" I asked hugging him as tight as I could curve my short arms.

"I'm okay rem it's just Hadrian reminds me so much of James especially his little ears and tail oh God all I want I to run my hand down his tail and pet his ears" he explains starting to cry halfway through sev was close with James even before we knew we where mates.

James was a little bit of a bully in the first year to Severus but one time James found Severus in the astronomy tower crying I don't know exactly what happened up there but the next time they were inseparable can't see one without the other over the years sev grew mentally and physically and free like a protector over all of us and the rest is history. Our history.

Toms pov

I'm sat on my mate's bed while he is in the shower with Hadrian sat on the bed opposite in front of me reading a book

There is something about him that draws me to him and it makes me feel guilty because Draco's my mate and I'm thinking like this about that's not him!! Better yet it's Severus's kid!!

"Okay what's up," Hadrian said out of nowhere I look up at him confused


"Well I can feel you keep staring at me and your aura is showing you stressed and conflicted about something" he explained like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"Umm well, it's... Nothing kid just adult stuff" I say unsure of what I am saying

"Really? I may be 16 but I'm not stupid if you don't wanna share just say  I won't force you I just thought it might help get something off your shoulders just know I am here for you" he says before going back to reading his book like nothing happened

Huh, what a strange kid. I like him

Hadrian's pov

It is now Monday again and in potions again I make sure you keep an eye on the potion this time and so does Draco and tom by time potions is over dumbledore is here he said he wants to talk to me in his office so I follow his and so does papa, Draco, tom, Dudley and Neville we reach his office and take out seats to say dumbles was shocked was laughable his face was hilarious 

"Umm excuse me I meant just mr.  Potter, not all of you" he tried to say as kindly as possible but it wasn't working.

"Well headmaster it is said in the Hogwarts rule book that ahead of the house should be present at every meeting the headmaster has with a student surely you know this headmaster?" Papa said smugly knowing he's won already

"Of course I did Severus, my boy now mr. Potter I would like to discuss your recent position as heir of Hogwarts and the responsibility's it comes with" dumbles asked all I did was a nod for him to continue

"Well as the heir of Hogwarts you will one day take over the position of the headmaster or appoint someone that you think would be the best to fill this role not only that you have to help find new teaching staff if required there is a lot of paperwork to be done and the ministry seen as you are the rightful heir can't do anything about your decisions you have to be here for every staff meeting in case there is something you need to know or want to a pose and seen as you are still in school you are the students representative kind of they want something to change it's your choice to either make that change or dismiss it" dumbledore explained

"Thank you dumbledore for explaining that to me I would not have known any of that otherwise I will read a book about my responsibility as an heir of Hogwarts just in case we missed anything" I respond

"Of course my boy now the next teachers meeting is tomorrow we have then every Tuesday I guess I will see you then" he finished

We all walked out of the office a little shocked "well aren't you a busy man" Draco joked he all chuckle at him and make our way to our respective rooms papa goes to find dad and momma Dudley and Neville go off to make out or something in their dorm Draco and tom go to our dorm so I decide to give them some privacy and go shopping instead

I went to lots of different magical and muggle shops I got lots of girls clothes as well as boys I got some new shoes as well by the time I got bad to Hogwarts it was pretty late so I just went straight to my dorm

When I walk in I go straight to my side and put all my things away and then turn to look at Draco's side to see him and his mate cuddling well that was until I saw tear tracks on drays face

"Omg dray what happened what's up?" I ask rushing towards him to see if he is okay

He chuckles at me so does tom "I'm fine Hadrian" I look him over for any injuries when I don't see any I get confused

"Dray, why were you crying then?" I ask curious and worried

He looks at tom who nods at him "we'll Hadrian I was crying because well I have this strong pull towards this other boy like the pull I have towards tom but different at the same time and I got upset because it confused me and I was worried tom would get mad and leave me" he explains tears filling his eyes just remembering it I hug him tightly

"Its okay dray tom would never do that to you and you know what that feeling is have another mate," I say he looks to tom again and smiles I get up to go but Draco grabs my hand to stop me from going I turn back around just to have lips placed on mine.

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