chapter 9

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Hardrian's pov

"What is he doing here" Dudley spat I grabbed his arm to stop him doing something stupid.

Everyone in the room looked at him in shock and confusion Dudley is normally a nice and gentle person but when it comes to his 'little brother' he tends to get a little overprotective,

"Duds it's fine proffeser dumbledore came to check on me" i say then look up at dumbledore "I am grateful for your time proffeser but I am fine I deserved it I should not have lost my temper as I did" I continue looking down knowing what is gonna happen when we are alone

By now everyone except dumbledore and Dudley dumbledore nods "I will speak about this with you at a later date mr potter as of now I will leave you to it.... Oh and their is a new teaching acistant for you proffeser snape be nice " and at that he left

"Okay it wasn't just me that was weird right?" Dad says out of no where everyone nods in agreement

"Let's just forget about it for now okay" Dudley says again everyone nods in agreement and we all start talking about random stuff until I hear a hiss from the ground "stupid humans stupid big fat human feet" I look closer at the snake and bend down and pick her up "hello their" I say to the snake she looks up at me "you are a speaker to?" She says as I nod she hisses happily "that's great it gets boring just talking to tom all the time oh my name's nagine" I sit back down on the bed with nagine on my lap "I am hadrian snape potter black lupin it is an honour to meet you nagine" just then I young man walked in looking around franticly until he spots the snake curled up on my lap "omg nagine why the hell did you run off you know I'm not ment to have you here" he says running towards me I start to panic as the man gets closer is he gonna hurt me? Oh my god he's gonna hurt me I have to find somewhere to hide! I start to look around franticly until I feel arms around me I look up panicked and I see papa pulling me close calming me down "hey it's okay he's not going to hurt you he is a friend, at this I calm down

I look up at the mystery man and see his dad face "I am terribly sorry for scaring you I didn't mean to I'm tom" I says sincerely "oh so you are tom" I say then look down at nagine "is he the tom you where talking about the boring one" i say curiously nagine looked a little scared "what did I say something wrong" I say a little panicked "oh no little hatchling you have done nothing wrong please don't worry" nagine says slithering around my neck in a type of hug I look up at the tom to see his face full of shock "you are parseltoungue too!?!?!?" He practicly shouts I giggle at him and nod "who are you?" He continues I look up at mamma papa and dad should I tell everyone who I really am? "Well it's complicated for all my life I thought I was somebody else until I came into my creature inheritance and fount I have been li d to my whole life" I say looking down until I feel three pairs of arms circling around me, dracos, blaise's and pansy

"Oh Harry" pansy say crying slightly

"Hey pansy I'm okay" I say trying to comfort her

"So who are you and who where you" tom says

"My name now is Hardrian snape potter black lupin and I was harry potter" I say

Everyone was shocked "WAIT PROFFESER SNAPE IS YOUR DAD!" pansy shouted I nod slowly

"Well I call him papa Sirius is dad and remus is mamma" I giggle everyone starts laughing

"If you don't buy you exactly are you" I say pointing to tom

"I am tom marvolo riddle but I am under a glamour to hid from the 'light' so I can be closer to draco my cover name is Thomas malfoy' he says as I see draco blush from the corner of my eye

I giggle and nod at tom as he goes and hugs draco from behind we talk for hours about random stuff until it's til for bed.

Now I am left alone in the hospital wing. "I wish...

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