chapter 18

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Hadrian's pov

After they said that there was a none stop follow of tears cascading down my face

"You mean it? Really?" I ask I start sobbing when they nod in happiness I jump into toms arms hugging him as I'll never get a chance again

I do the same with Draco "thank you" I mumble in their ears they chuckle at me but hug me back just as tightly as I did to them

At that moment it felt like nothing could ruin the moment however that never seems to be the case

When I pull away from the hug with Draco I see a bird flying towards me flapping its wings as fast as it can

I can tell they are exhausted so I let my wings out and fly to get the poor creature

Once my feet leave the stone bricks of the tower the bird starts to fall I push myself to go faster to catch him it's my first time flying so I find it difficult to stay straight

Once the creature is within reach I swoop him into my arms and gently flew back to the worried men stood on the edge of the astronomy tower

Once my feet are securely on the stone floor I crouched down and sat on the cold floor the poor bird still in my arms

Once I am settled I place the bird in my lap and hover my hands over him, my hands start glowing green and blue for a minute until the bird was up and healthy

"Hello, there are you okay now?" I ask the bird chirped in response "what is the matter why are you in such a rush You injured yourself?" I ask another question

"Well there is a boy in our forest he is very injured and we didn't know what to do so I decided to come and get you, master" the bird replied after that was said my new friend flew of shouting a quick 'furry' to me

I look up at my mates who look very confused I sigh "I will explain later right now there is an intruder in my forest and he is injured I am going to help them and my forest you are welcome to come" I say getting up and spreading my wings again

They both still look confused but nod and grab onto me and I start to fly to my forest and where I saw the bird fly and go down

Once I land I put my wings away and Draco and tom brush themselves of I don't know why

I look around and I see a lot of animals surrounding a dark cloaked figure sat on the forest floor clutching their arm

I cautiously walk towards the mystery person and crouch in front of them

"I'm gonna heal your arm okay?" I say the figure nods still not lifting their head enough to see his face

I put my hands up in front of the figure and they start to glow it takes longer to heal the figure than mr. Bird because their injuries are more serious

Once I am finished healing them my hands stop glowing I lower them "how do you feel now?" I ask

All he does is nod and stands up and offers me his hand to help me up I gratefully take it and stand up with his help

"Sooo umm may I ask who you are?" I say cautiously

"Are you sure you wanna know?" The figure finally speaks his voice sounds familiar like I should know that voice

"Yes, I am sure why wouldn't I wanna know?!" I say slowly getting louder "you are an intruder in my forest and you were injured!"

"Very well I will give you a clue I was not at school today plus you know me very well," he says stepping closer

I know him? Who wasn't here today? There was only one person that wasn't here today! NO, it's can't be!


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