chapter 16

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Hadrian's pov

"Papa, dad, momma I have found dada," I said excitedly to have all my parents back together again

All of them had tears in their eyes "James? Is that you?" Dada nodded and they all ran into a big group hug all sobbing their hearts out saying loving things to each other

I smiled at the scene in front of me and decided to leave them alone for a little so I quietly left and started walking to my dorm to find tom and Draco making out on the bed taking each other's clothes off so I left them to it too

Now I find my self on the astronomy tower alone my feet dangling off the edge I know tom and Draco are my mates I just feel like I'm coming in between them I don't deserve them

They are perfect in every way and I'm just... Me

"Hadrian? What are you doing up here?" I turn around to see Dudley coming to sit next to me

"Nothing just... Thinking" I reply laying my head on his shoulder once he is sitting

"What are you thinking about hads?" He asked I contemplated telling him the pros and cons of it

"Nothing really important to bother you Bout just... Me I guess" I reply vividly "how are things with Neville" I continue smiling as I see his blushing face

"I don't know what you mean harry," he says looking the other way "me and Neville are just friends," he says the last bit looking down

I giggle at his oblivious behavior "in duds you are so oblivious... Neville is head over heels for he's always looking at you with nothing but love in his eyes flirting with you hugging you kissing your cheek" I list his face turning brighter than the sun

"That doesn't mean he likes me" he argues I look at him with the 'are you serious' look and I look away embarrassed

"Dudley if that isn't likening someone then I don't know what is," I say laughing

He huff's "fine maybe he likes me," he says finally we sit there laughing for hours till it's about 2 in the morning and we make our way back to our separate dorms

I walk in seeing both my mates asleep naked I walk to a walk and ask Hogwarts for a separate for now 

The next morning I wake up early and get dressed for the day and walk out of my room to see tom and Draco still asleep I let a small smile on my lips seeing how peacefully they look

I walk out and go find Dudley but instead, I find blaise and Neville talking in the common room

"Umm Neville, we're is Dudley?" I ask concern showing on my face they both look up at me both blushing

"Umm I don't know sorry harry," Neville says I glare at the pair

"What are you two ul to anyway?" I say suspicious of the pair Neville looks down blushing even more

"Umm what are you talking about Harry," Neville says playing dumb I start to lose my temper

"Neville what are you going with blaise," I say my voice showing my loss of temper

Blaise sighs "look harry he may be your cousin that doesn't mean that Neville has to be with him all the time because their friends"

I glare at the pair on the couch "I know someone is going on and I will find out...oh and Neville if I find out you have hurt dudie I will hurt you" I threaten my instincts to protect my family setting in I give the pair one last glare before storming out to find Dudley

I finally find him sat in the great hall I rush over to him and hug him not letting go

"Wow hey harry" he laughs I snuggle into his side

"I missed you" I mumbled into his side he chuckles "harry we saw each other last night silly," he says

"I know but I was only," I say into his side again still not looking up

He looks down at me concerned "why where you only hads you have two mated in your room" he asks confused and concern showing on his face

I don't say anything just snuggle into his side more he sighs and continues to eat his breakfast

Soon everyone is in the great hall eating including the teachers I look up at my parents to see they all have massive smiles on their faces which puts a small smile on my face

But it soon disappears when tom, Draco, blaise, and Neville walk in and come sit with us

I hurry my head further into Dudley so it looks like I'm asleep

"Hey," the three boys say as they sit down Dudley replies with a short 'hi' and they all starts eating

"What's up with Harry?" Draco asks looking at me Dudley shrugs and dray sighs and starts eating again

My heart sinks even further, I start questioning if what Vernon has been saying and calling me this while it is true

I am a freak, useless, ugly, a waste of space, unwanted

Why can't I do anything right?

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