chpater 22

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Hadrian's pov

"Now who wants to hear what I found out about our famous friend Albus dumbledore," I ask everyone jumped shouting "YES" some more element than others

I giggle and then turn serious "before we flooed I heard what sounded like dumbledore say something like 'they're not gonna be happy about this damn I'm in for it now' and then we flooed"

Their faces turned from happy to worry, anger and scared I look into Ron's eyes and see tears

I run over to him and bring him into my short arms as he leans down a little to put his head in the crook Of my neck

"Hey, it's okay ronny we will figure this all out okay?" He slowly nods and lets me go as he runs and cuddles the twins

After an hour or so of discussing the matter of who the mystery person dumbledore was talking about and what they want we all split up

Genus, ferox, ingus, Delta, and inferno followed me to my room in my dorm

I slowly lowered myself onto the bed thinking about what has just happened in the last 24 hours

Eventually, my thoughts landed on Ron

He was my friend again! I smiled at the thought I really did miss him so much it hurts

But now I have him back and I don't plan on letting him go any time soon

After about another 10 minutes I heard the door open I look to see who interrupted my thoughts to me Draco and Tom

I smile at them and Wave them inside they make their way to my bed and sit on either side of me

"What's up?" I decide to break the silence that was starting to get awkward

"Well umm we were wondering if you wanted to come back and join us in the big bed," Draco asked nervously

I giggle at his red face as tom chuckles at him he starts to pout "okay if you are sure you want me to" I say smiling happy they want me

Draco jumps up and pulls me to the big bed and practically throws me on it

I giggle as I bounce up and down a little as they both ain't down either side of me again and pull me close and pull the covers over the three of us

I slowly close my eyes a big smile on my face cuddling to my mates

"Night night dray nighty night Tommy" and with those words the darkness takes me into it's safe arms

(Really sorry it's so short and I haven't been posting regularly)

WonderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora