Alright Then...

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What the hell


Oh shut the hell up!

Why did everything have to be like this...

"You almost had him! That basterd! Kibutsuji Muzan!" Now now you might be confused well I'll tell you something unlike how muzan said he wasn't even able too fight Yoriichi instead it was all one sided Muzan was only able to escape since he blew himself up and left some pieces to regrow.

"Who are you?" Alright Yoriichi you may not hear me right now but you're too OP!

Now my 4th dimensional beings the reason why I'm currently well pissed is because even with giving Yoriichi the bootleg saint eye I was only able too find 4 things about muzan.

1 is that he is really careful with fighting

2 He hates being treated like dirt

3 The pattern on where Yoriichi's Sun Breathing wounds are on him so I could at least know where too hit him.

And finally that he's a coward like a real coward my man even though only the sun can kill him and Yoriichi's moves are made too stall him he could have I don't know dodged! Now you may be wondering isn't he too slow? And can't Yoriichi just adjust his movements too hit him? Well there's something overpowered even in this damn world Instincts. That's right muzan could have just made his cells go overdrive with sensing but that's not the point the point is.

"I'll let you go you seem to be not like those trash." Dude I know that canonically he let Tamayo go but was it this easily? No wonder he got exiled...

The point is I have too be with Yoriichi till he die's of old age will be in the next.......well 65 years so don't blame me if there's a time skip blame the author

(Shut the hell up 2d scum)

"....." My man are you just gonna stand there? I don't know when you're brother became a demon if it's either after or earlier so you might wanna go.

"Yoriichi-Sama!!" Oh thank God! A side character! Quick take this unmoving doll!

"Yoriichi-Sama!!" Oh thank God! A side character! Quick take this unmoving doll!

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"I say that he should kill himself!"

"His brother is a demon now! He might even join with him!"

"Please eevryoen calm down!" Good call small Master!

Now currently Yoriichi is about to get exiled by his really young master which is surprise surprise and ubuyashiki honestly I could care less about yoriichi's Exile since I'll know what happen what I'm curious about is what will happen at his death since hopefully I could still see through this eye even by then.

"I understand I'll take my leave thank you or everything..."FINALLY! Oh I mean noooo he got exiled...... Yeah I'm a terrible person

 Yeah I'm a terrible person

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