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"I'm not your friend or anything, damn

You think that you're the man"

➴ There for I am

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Trees remained still as snowflakes drifted down from the clouds above

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Trees remained still as snowflakes drifted down from the clouds above. There was barely any sound except for a few chattering squirrels. Then again, there weren't many people wandering around the depths of the Sokovian forest.

Through the silence burst the booming sound of an aircraft, a quinjet, landing far from the only building there on the hill. The sound of vehicles and the clanging of metal was reasonably loud but they were no one near life yet.

It was a team. A team formed of Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

A super solider with the most perfect set of morals a human could have, born as Captain America and frozen in time until released into the modern world; Steve Rogers.

A billionaire with a slightly big ego but a kind heart underneath, who created the most genius technology and a suit that protected the earth; Tony Stark.

A scientist who only ever wanted to help the world but hosted a rage problem that would allow a Hulk out into the world to destroy ; Bruce Banner.

A God who believed in the right things but didn't always have the right way of showing them, a warrior of lightning and thunder; Thor.

An archer who never missed a shot and no matter how many times he fired, he hit his target like the trained aided of assassin he was; Clint Barton.

An assassin paired with a halk, born into a world that was harsh and dangerous but she always made the most to protect what was left of it; Natasha Romanoff.

Finally, an expert in weaponry, who always knew what they needed to get the job done and make sure they were humane while doing som; Florence Meadows-Stark.

Each one had their own weaknesses, from lost friends to big egos, and strengths, from minds to aim. Apart they were strong, together they were incredible. They were formed when the world needed them most and despite their arguments, they banded together to protect it because that's what they did. They were the Avengers.

"Florence, are you okay?" Tony asked his wife, tilting his head.

"Fine," Florence replied shortly. "Tony, I have an odd feeling about this place...And I'm not just talking about finding the Scepter..."

"Odd feeling?" Tony hummed, preparing his suit.

"Yes," Florence whispered.

"Flo, it's no different to the past however many we've destroyed," Tony emphasised. "It's just another base. Hopeful it has what we need in it."

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