Chapter 91 - Black Vs. Purple

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Wei Wuxian stood ten paces from Jiang Cheng as they were getting ready to fight. People stood off on the sidelines ready to watch. Some even placed bets as to who would win. They thought since Wei Wuxian had not used his sword for a long time, he was at a disadvantage and would lose. Lan Wangji, Cangse, Wei Changze, and Lan Xichen, thought otherwise. They witnessed the spar between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, and Wei Wuxian seemed perfectly fine and able to fight.

"You can still back down," Wei Wuxian told Jiang Cheng, "I know how weak of a fighter you are."

"Shut up! I'm not backing down!" Jiang Cheng's spat. His Zidian was already sizzling on his hand.

"You shouldn't be able to use Zidian," Wei Changze told him, "it should be swords only."

"Fine!" Jiang Cheng said and went to his mother. Zidian snaked back onto her hand, "as it belongs to you."

"I'll keep it warm for you," she told him, "now go."

"Today, Purple Boy!" Wei Wuxian yelled, getting impatient.

Jiang Cheng turned around as anger fueled his body. Without any warning Jiang Cheng jumped in the air as he unsheathed Sandu. He swung Sandu about his head, and as he was landing in front of Wei Wuxian, he swung the sword down, fast. Wei Wuxian had seconds to react, but he reacted successfully. Using his energy, he pushed his body back, dragging his foot along the ground. He stopped and removed Suibian from his sheathe as Jiang Cheng jumped towards him again with the same motion.

Wei Wuxian dodged again flipping backwards a few feet. Wei Wuxian knows what he is doing. The more rage Jiang Cheng has, the more he will attack first. It will exhaust him faster, as it is his biggest weakness in fighting. His anger can only fuel him for so long, and Wei Wuxian was using that to his advantage.

"Fight back you coward!" Jiang Cheng spat, "stop dodging and fight back."

"Don't tell me how to fight my own battles," Wei Wuxian told him, "the more you try to control me, the more I ignore's not use trying to tell me what to do. I know exactly what I am doing."

As one wouldn't even think it was possible, Jiang Cheng's anger was increasing to a level it has never reached before. He. Was. Furious.

Jiang Cheng lunged forward and slashed Sandu from left to right. Wei Wuxian jumped away again, and was only about ten paces in front of Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji, of course, was nervous for his husband. He doesn't know Wei Wuxian's sword fighting enough to know what he has planned. Even if he was married to him, he had only seen him use his sword a couple times, so he was unsure of what he'd do. He seems to be okay so far, all Lan Wangji has noticed is Wei Wuxian's ability to dodge Jiang Cheng's every move.

Jumping from left to right, backwards, and sometimes even above Jiang Cheng, just dodging each sword thrust, or slash. Jiang Cheng, as Wei Wuxian expected, was losing energy each time he made a move. Jiang Cheng was panting heavily and now slightly hunched over trying to catch his breath.

Just how Wei Wuxian wanted, he ran towards Jiang Cheng and jumped up. His foot landing at Jiang Cheng's chest, causing him to fly several feet backwards. Managing to land in his feet, Jiang Cheng stood his ground once he landed. But as he was hurling backwards, Wei Wuxian moved out of his sight. He was now behind Jiang Cheng. With one swift motion, Wei Wuxian spun around and kicked the back of Jiang Cheng's leg, causing Jiang Cheng to fall only his back. Wei Wuxian took the chance to have the tip of Suibian's blade right at Jiang Cheng's throat.

"You," Wei Wuxian began, "you have lost."

Jiang Cheng laid their with Suibian still at his throat. He had no choice but to admit defeat.

"Alright, you win," He said, "get off!"

Wei Wuxian huffed and began to walk away towards Lan Wangji. Before anyone could say anything, Jiang Cheng stood and flew forward towards Wei Wuxian. He spun Wei Wuxian around and stabbed him. Sandu pierced through him. It was again, the spot he and Jin Ling had stabbed him once before. Instead of the stab only partially into Wei Wuxian though, this time it went all the way through and out through his back.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Wangji yelled and bolted towards his husband.

Wei Wuxian fell to the ground as Sandu was removed from him. Lan Wangji managed to catch him just before hitting the ground.

"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji panicked, "I'm here, don't close your eyes."

"La-n Zh-a-an," Wei Wuxian managed to muster out.

"A'Cheng!" Yanli yelled at him, "you lost and then you do this!"

"Of course, he can't admit defeat so easily," Lan Xichen said as Wen Qing and Baoshan were already tending to Wei Wuxian's wounds. Letting Wen Qing attend to him for a moment, Baoshan stood and faced Jiang Cheng. She immediately sealed his spiritual powers.

"You are doing to see what it is like without powers," She scolded, "I will decide to unseal them after this viewing is over. I may even just take that core back!"

Jiang Cheng was furious, "fuck you!"

"Jiang Cheng," Jiang Fengmian said, "that is enough. I am taking the sect leader position back from you. You obviously don't have common sense to keep it."

"I am agreeing with you," Madam Yu said, "you know better then to do this!"

Jiang Cheng remained silent. His hatred for Wei Wuxian was now only growing. He hated him, he hated that he is the reason for all of his shortcomings; or so he believes.

Lan Wangji carried Wei Wuxian inside and laid him down on a bed inside a small infirmary that was with Baoshan's place. Though he wanted to stay beside him, he could only step back so he could let Wen Qing and Baoshan tend to him. Lan Wangji also needed to go check on his sons. He turned to them, seeing that they were holding onto each other and sobbing. He went over to his sons and knelt beside them.

"A-Die!" Jingyi sobbed as Lan Wangji pulled him and Sizhui into his arms.

"Baoshan and Wen Qing are doing everything they can. Wen Qing had incredible medical skills, and Baoshan is very wise and knows how to handle it," Lan Wangji reassured them.

Though, he was mostly trying to reassure himself as well. He didn't want to lose his husband again. Lan Wangji was close to killing Jiang Cheng himself, but he didn't want to stoop to his level. He wanted to be with his family and deal with that bastard Jiang later.


Ugh, I can reassure you that Wei Wuxian will be okay but....

Runs away 😂 SORRY!

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