Chapter 92 - Healing with a Familiar Melody

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It was a few hours after Wei Wuxian for stabbed by Jiang Cheng. Lan Wangji and his sons were the only ones in the room with him aside from Baoshan and Wen Qing.

"How is he?" Lan Wangji asked Baoshan and Wen Qing.

"Because he has his golden core again, he should be able to heal faster," Baoshan informed, "but he is in a coma at the moment. He was stabbed in the same spot multiple times, so the wound is very agitated. It will take longer for it to heal as the scar tissue is constantly being damaged. He will need some Spiritual Energy transfers every four to six hours if his wound is to heal properly. His body is just now getting used to having a core again so it is working hard to try and find proper healing solutions. The extra energy will help with the healing."

"Between me and our sons, we can alternate so we don't tire too much from transferring energy," Lan Wangji told them, "do you know how long he will be under?"

"We are not sure, he could wake in a few hours, to a few days, to several weeks...though with the core and the extra energy, he should wake up sooner than we may know for sure," Baoshan said.

"And the memory showing in the screening room?" Lan Wangji asked.

"We can postpone it until he wakes and recovers enough. I sent everyone home for the time being. I warned them that they will return, no matter where they are or how far they run. Your parents, his parents, Lan Xichen and Wen Ning are still here. Lan Qiren went back to Gusu to run things for the time being," Baoshan explained, "for now you all can rest."

Baoshan and Wen Qing left the room, leaving Wangji and his sons behind, "A-Die, I know you probably want us to go back to our rooms to rest, but can we stay for a little while longer?" Sizhui asked.

"You can stay until curfew," Lan Wangji told them, "so you have two hours to spend here. Please be careful with him."

The two nodded and went over to Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji closed his eyes and tightened his hands into fists. Tears were escaping his eyes as he tried to calm himself. It was only a moment later, that he felt a hand on his back.

He opened his eyes, "Ge," He whispered.

"He will be okay," Lan Xichen told him as he pulled him into a hug, "that husband of yours seems to have nine lives."

Lan Wangji couldn't help but chuckle, "he is always getting hurt...I didn't expect Jiang Wanyin to do that! I know I shouldn't say it but I hate him so much!"

"I know," Lan Xichen said, "the amount of pain and trauma he has caused you two is too much. He needs to be locked up for a while."

"Well, his spiritual powers being sealed is locked up enough for him, he can't handle life without it," Lan Wangji scowled then relaxed enough to ask his brother a question, "how long are you staying?"

"I will not leave until I see every memory on that screen," He answered, "Shufu is home for now, so I can stay here. I also want to be here for you and my nephews. You three need me right now as you wait for any news on A'Xian."

Lan Wangji nodded as Xichen pulled him into a hug. The twins left after an hour so they can get ready for bed. They had time but they had to think of themselves as well. They know that their Baba wouldn't want them to neglect themselves for the sake of him as he recovers.

"I'll let you alone now," Xichen said pulling from the hug and left Wangji in the room.

Lan Wangji turned to his injured and unconscious husband after everyone was out of the room. He went over to him and carefully climbed into the bed beside him. Unexpectedly, Wei Wuxian started to slowly move his head back and forth, almost like he was panicking. Lan Wangji sat up and tried to coax him to calm down.

"It's okay, Wei Ying, I'm here," he whispered to him.

It was like he heard Lan Wangji and immediately calmed down. Lan Wangji leaned down and placed his forehead to Wei Wuxian's. He then put his hand on the opposite side of Wei Wuxian's face. Lan Wangji just sat there and cried. He didn't want to lose him again. He knows that Wei Wuxian will more than likely make it through this, but he still worried.

"Lan..." Wei Wuxian tried to speak.

Lan Wangji sat up and looked into his husband's eyes. They were open...he was awake...Baoshan expected him to be unconscious for a while but he was only out for a few hours.

"Shh, Don't speak," Lan Wangji hushed him in a whisper. He then took Wei Wuxian's hand that was closest to him, "if you are in pain, just squeeze my hand...I can go get Baoshan."

He did as Lan Wangji told him. He weakly squeezed his hand, and Lan Wangji went to go get Baoshan, and Wen Qing followed behind her, "so he is awake," Baoshan said quietly as she checked his wound.

"Mmhm," Wei Wuxian hummed, as he was to weak to muster out words.

"Wangji, would you please send him some energy?" Baoshan asked him.

Lan Wangji who was holding Wei Wuxian's hand, closed his eyes. With two fingers he passed over some spiritual energy to him through Wei Wuxian's wrist.

Wei Wuxian smiled as he felt the familiar warmed he once felt in Xuanwu's cave and memories flooded back to him, "so...soothing, Lan Zhan," he told him.

Still with his eyes closed, Lan Wangji smiled at the familiar words once said to him before.

"So bored," Wei Wuxian weakly played, "will you sing for me?" He asked that familiar question.

Lan Wangji chuckled a little remembering that moment in the cave, but he complied. He calmly started to hum Wangxian. The familiar melody that played within the room. Baoshan and Wen Qing could only coo at the exchange. Wei Wuxian smiled at his husband as he started to get comfortable again and dozed back off to sleep.


If you're wondering, I like all versions of Wangxian but the audiobook version is really nice. I thought it would be fitting for this memorable exchange.

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