how it is: 🧸 babysitting 🍼 pt. 2

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Lion and cat Steven

Lion watches over them with great intensity to ensure his pride wasn't hurt while the others were away, and is quick to carry them back by the scruff if they were to get too far or unruly. Cat Steven fetches prey for them, and teaches them self-defense.

~[Gemling ratings: 10/10]~

Amazonite: truly values lion as sort of a second sire and sees cat Steven as another sister. She loves to nestle into lion's mane and to wrestle with cat Steven.

Chrysoberyl: sees him as an excellent protector and loves to chase his tail tip, while letting cat Steven knead her back.

Beryl: she loves the power lion's stature holds and the confidence cat Steven has when she's training the gemmys. Sometimes she mimics lion and cat Steven's resting poses, including the "loaf" position

Tourmaline: she has great respect for the big cat lion, and admires cat Steven's abrasive nature. She just wished lion did a bit more with all of that power he had.

Jade: really loved how safe and secure both lion and cat Steven made her. She'd spend hours on end in lion's mane, and would come out when cat Steven returned with food.

Aventurine: really wants to wrestle lion, but he refuses due to her size. She settles for hunting lessons taught by cat Steven.

(Two final gemlings): [You decide]


He's a bit weary when dealing with them; typically tourmaline and Beryl. However his past experiences as a father allows him to be a decent sitter.

He's weary with them being around the car wash due to the obvious dangers, but he appreciates when they try to help him wash cars. He also entertains them with music he plays from his van as well as give them pointers on how to play guitar.

~[Gemling ratings: 9.9/10]~

Amazonite: appreciates Greg's efforts in trying to cater to them. She also likes how kind and humble he is and hopes her siblings would take note of such behavior.

Chrysoberyl: she likes how patient and laid-back he is, and tries to comprehend his guitar pointers as best she could out of respect, and tries to aid him with cleaning cars.

Beryl: she loves the music he plays and to play with the hose. Greg himself is fun to play with; it's funny how frantic he gets when she chases him with the hose or brandish her stinger around him. She also likes how he's squishy like his son.

Tourmaline: she likes his softie nature; she uses his fear of her pincer to her advantage at times, but tends to listen when Amazonite insists. She secretly truly respects Greg as a whole; a pure organic that somehow captured the heart of a rebellion leader is a feat she found to he amazing. Part of her hopes she could find love like that someday.

Jade: she likes his kindness and ukulele music. She often stays by him, and in his van, napping. She's inspired at how he was able to go through these gem trials and remain positive.

Aventurine: she finds greg to be a bit too much of a softie, but likes how kind and patient he is. She hopes to know how to operate a guitar one day in hopes to be a rockstar like him one day.

(Two final gemlings): [You decide]

Connie [around this time, her parents know about them]

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