how it is: 🍼 babysitting 🧸

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Garnet is the go-to sitter for the gemmys, given that she's not only a fusion, but she's got the future vision to ensure that everything she did was beneficial and safe for the gemlings. Sometimes, she'll entertain the gemlings by letting them play with her visors, or show off her gauntlets. Maybe even teach them a bit of self-defense and how to control their "powers".

On occasion, they'll unfuse to both entertain more and for more hands to help out. Ruby's warmth makes her the best snuggler, which makes nap time quite simple, and sapphire's delicate hands made for excellent scritches, making nap time a snap.

~[Gemling ratings: 10/10]~

Amazonite: truly looks upto garnet as a leader and guardian, and yearns to be like her someday. She obeys garnet's every word, and will try to get her siblings to cooperate as well. She enjoys her two counterparts as well; she enjoys ruby's liveliness and sapphire's elegance.

Chrysoberyl: sees garnet as a third mother, and is often seen being carried around in her embrace. Loves her story telling and level-headed manner of thinking. She enjoys sapphire's calm nature and is mostly content to watching ruby play with her siblings.

Beryl: thinks garnet is a fun guardian and loves to climb her, and ride her comfy afro. She especially loves it when garnet brings out her cool, shiny gauntlets, and would often mimic her punches. She loves wrestling with ruby.

Tourmaline: she has a good amount of respect in garnet, but doesn't always listen to her. She's always wanting to "combat" with ruby and is always trying to summon weapons like she did. She's often scruffed by the fusion, much to her annoyance, and especially dislikes it when she puts a rubber hand over her pincer. She believes sapphire should stop "cheating" with her future vision.

Jade: views garnet as a protector and is nearly always riding her shoulder, to avoid any unwanted scuffles with her siblings. She often hides beneath sapphire's dress until she is coaxed out.

Aventurine: believes garnet is amazing in all aspects, and is a frequent ankle clinger to her, wanting any and all attention from her. Sometimes she mimics her behavior; her walk, her tone when talking, and even tries to hide her eyes behind her bangs like sapphire.

(Two final gemlings): [reader's choice in gemling opinion]


Once they're in her room, any and all restraints are lifted, there's puddle jumping, unlimited snacking, climbing contests and wrestling matches, just to name a few of the activities. It only ever stops if the gemmys pass out from the sheer activity they've done or when garnet and/or pearl intervenes to put them down for a nap themselves.

Not exactly good if their gonna learn dicipline, but she gets them to sleep quicker and maybe help them get around to the use of their powers.

~[Gemling ratings: 11/10]~

Amazonite: she sees Ameythyst as a fun older sister, and sees having her watch them as a good means of really letting loose. She's an undefeated climber and uses the puddles to keep her stealth in check.

Chrysoberyl: appreciates Ameythyst's spunk, but prefers to the laid-back stuff like swimming, snacking and laying about.

Beryl: adores Ameythysts open-mindedness, and is always up for a good round of wrestling. Another think she can appreciate about the gem is how she's can regenerate quickly after poofing, as she often stings her by accident.

Tourmaline: lives for Ameythyst's lack of dicipline and loves it when she is encouraged to cut things in half with her pincers and wrestling. Wonders why none of the other gems are like her.

Jade: appreciates Ameythyst's energy, but is very afraid of just about everything in the room. So many heights and puddles of various depths... Luckily Ameythyst is cool enough to let her hang back and watch as an audience.

Aventurine: lives for Ameythyst's carelessness and is known to take advantage of all the liberty she had during this time. Often results in a lot of acid damage and her eating to the point of getting ill.

(Two final gemlings): [Reader's choice]


Has a schedule made for the days she is chosen for watching the gemlings, and intends to follow it down to the second for ideal development. First, she teaches the gemmys on how to manage and maintain their powers at the sky arena, then it's time to get them clean and brushed. After which it's snack + storytime about the history of the Crystal Gems, and the amazing rose quartz herself via holograms. Afterwards, she'll show off her swords skills and finally it's nap time.

~[Gemling ratings: 9.9/10]~

Amazonite: views pearl as an excellent mentor, and will listen intensely to everything pearl teaches and takes her advice into mind. Really wants to handle a sword as good as her someday.

Chrysoberyl: pearl's another mother figure to her, and she loves how knowledgeable she seems about everything. Her elegance and grace really inspire her.

Beryl: she loves pearl, but just wishes she wasn't so strict with rules. But her awesome swordsmenship makes up for it.

Tourmaline: respects pearl's diligence, but is more than happy to mess with her, like nipping at her ankles or nibbling her nose when given the opportunity and hates the meal options she provides.

Jade: enjoys her time with the calm, wise pearl, taking everything she does into account and especially loves the stories with rose quartz. Often tries to interact with the holograms of her, which causes pearl to get choked up for some reason.

Aventurine: A good swordsmen, and has cool stories but there's too many rules and not enough snackies!

(Two final gemlings): [Reader's choice]


He's got so much to do with his siblings; and that is to teach them all about earth's wonders, such as ukulele music, drawing, video gaming, stuffed animals and beach time fun! He's not very good with nap time, since he often loses track of time with the kiddos.

~[Gemling ratings: 12/10]~

Amazonite: absolutely adores him as an older brother, and is more than happy to learn about his humanly cultures. So far, she enjoys the video gaming concept. Still takes pride in the fact she managed to beat him in a video game match on the first go.

Chrysoberyl: enjoys her time with her organic brother, and loves just about everything to the human culture. She especially loves drawing. There's something wonderful about you can put your thoughts and emotions on paper with colorful sticks.

Beryl: absolutely enjoys her big half-human bro, and especially loves to dance to the ukulele music he plays. Who would've thought specific sounds together could sound so wonderful? She hopes to play an instrument one day.

Tourmaline: she hasn't known her soft, squishy sibling for long, but if anything were to happen to him, she'd destroy everything in the room and then herself.

Jade: really loves her cuddle bug brother, and often likes to play with the stuffed animals. Sometimes she'll pretend to dance with them when the ukulele music plays.

Aventurine: loves everything about her bro, right down to his warm squishy belly. And she absolutely loves what the human culture has that the gem culture doesn't. Seriously, how do gems function without their snackies??

(Two final gemlings): [Reader's choice]

There was a lot to unfold here. 😅

Centipeedle x mother Corrupt gem reader scenariosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें