intro warnings!

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So! If you haven't read the OG corrupt gem reader book, I advise you do so. That way you can really get a feel on the relationship.

And be warned, this involves gem pregnancy and then gemlings.

I mean, I've written about that before, but this is only for those who still dislike the idea of that concept. And I understand that, since it essentially breaks one of the basic Gem race rules.

And of course, the pregnancy part will probably make others uncomfortable, since most peeps are touchy with that detail.

So here's your warning about those.

⚠️Reader is pregnant for the first ⚠️
few pages of the book!

⚠️Gemling birth comes after!⚠️

⚠️if you dislike any of that stuff I really advise you don't progress further.

...or maybe at least go to the pages where all that stuff is over with. 🙃

But yeah, be careful treading here.

That's out of the way, this is merely a scenario/preference book. There's no specific direction or plot to it. It's all made for fun. 

And finally, be warned, you may notice centi looking odd in some points because her design is hecka difficult to master.

But yeah.

You still here?

Well, next page you go!

But don't say I didn't warn ya!


....oh, and it has a lengthy prologue so buckle up.

Centipeedle x mother Corrupt gem reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now