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We are the Crystal Gems!
We always save the day!
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
That's why the people of this world believe in
Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, and Centi, (name) and Steven! ~🎵

With one final strum of his ukulele, he smiles up at the both of you hopefully. "So, what'd you think of the updated lyrics?"

"Very catchy!" Centipeedle chirped cheerfully. You nodded in agreement with a content smile. "Yes, very nice, Steven." You praised, to which steven beamed proudly. You suddenly winced at a prominent fluttering feeling in your tum, laying a paw on it instictively. Centi noticed this, and leaned down in concern. "You alright, love?" She trilled lightly to you, setting her own hand on your midriff. After the discomfort eased, you chuckled lightly. "(Name)'s fine..." you reassured. "The gemlings just must have liked it to."

Curiously, Steven turned and pressed a hand gently against your belly. Sure enough, he gasped lightly at feeling a light ripple against his palm. His eyes filled with stars, as he quickly turned and embraced your tum in pure excitement. "They really did like it!" He giggled lightly in disbelief as he pressed his cheek against it, in which you simply smiled at the boy's childish elation. He laid against you for a few minutes, the side of his his head practically jammed against your abdomen, grinning in a dopey manner at the light rippling against his cheek. "I wonder if it's their favorite song?"

"Hm... possibly." You shrugged warmly. "They're more active when that song plays." This only seemed to excite the boy further, as his smile somehow brightened, as he giddily clapped his hands. He stopped for a moment, looking up at a sudden thought that popped into his head. "Do you think they have a favorite snack?"

You thought for a moment. "Mmm... not sure." You admitted, idly grabbing a hand full of chaaaps and pouring it into your mouth. "There's so many, it's hard to choose one." However, no sooner after you had said that, you winced again as the fluttering feeling returned, followed by Steven gasping in surprise. This is quickly followed by giggling from him and a soft snicker from Centi. "I told you they'd liked chaaaps." She chirped triumphantly, tossing a donut into her mouth. You just chuckled. "They haven't even been born and we've already discovered two favorites." You mused, chuckling softly as the boy hugged your midsection, smiling a big goofy grin. You knew this child was excitable, but the thought of gemlings seemingly brought out a whole new level of enthusiasm.

Steven laid on your belly for a few more minutes, before turning around and rest his back against it, still smiling quite contently. "I can't wait to discover all sorts of things with them. There's so many to teach!" He then picked up his ukulele and started to idly tune the instrument, lightly strumming the strings, falling into a daydream trance. "Favorite toy, favorite show, favorite ice cream flavor..." he seemed lost in his own thoughts. "Favorite mission..."

"Wouldn't be too sure about the mission part..." Centi trilled, preening your fur gently.

He pauses suddenly. He then looks up from his task, knitting his brows in thought. "...I wonder who their favorite person will be?"

"Favorite person?" This question caught your attention.

"Yeah! I wonder which one of us they'll like the most!" He beams brightly at you both, to which you tilted your head. He doesn't seem to realize how weighty that simple wonder is.

"You of course! No contest." Centi piped confidently. Steven looks at you for translation. You give a playful smirk to Centi. "Now, Centi. Of course Steven's gonna be their first favorite." You purred. Steven gasped, the stars returning to his eyes as he squishes his cheeks like he usually did when his excitement peeked over the top. "But... they could have multiple favorites."

"Multiple favorites?" Both Centi and Steven spoke in unison. You nodded, running a paw over your belly again.

"We don't know what preferences they have, yet. They could have two or more favorites when it comes to the Crystal Gems. One might favor both pearl's tidyness and Ameythyst's spunk. Another might favor garnet's mysteriousness and Steven's cuteness. Or they might not have a favorite at all and just enjoy everything about the Crystal gems." You smiled, a dark (color) hue spreading across your cheeks. "One thing's certain, however." You looked down at Steven, who seemed enraptured by your words, his eyes glittering brightly like the night sky. "They're going to love you all regardless."

"You... you really think so?" He asked, his voice almost a whisper.

You smiled warmly, leaning over to give the boy a gentle lick on the cheek. "(Name) knows so."

"Oh my love!" Centi swooned, her pupil taking the shape of a heart as she nuzzles your head. "You're so knowledgeable!"

You snickered, nuzzling her back. "Mothers just feel these things."

Steven hummed, casting his gaze down at his own belly, where the gem in his navel peeked out from beneath his shirt. He smiled lightly at it before looking back up at you both. "Can I... play them the song again?"

You and Centi looked at him, purring softly in contentment. "Go ahead."

He smiles up at you both, before strumming a few times

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He smiles up at you both, before strumming a few times.

Turning to your tum, he sang...

"If you're evil and you're on the rise, You can count on the four of us taking you down, 'Cause we're good and evil never beats us We'll win the fight and then go out for pizzas.."


Probably poured too much sugar into this piece, but uuh... yeah, I hope you didn't choke on the amount of fluff in this. ^^'

Centipeedle x mother Corrupt gem reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now