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You whimpered, flinching at the loud, sharp crashing of the lightning above you, your long, thick (color) mane practically flattened to your body at the sheer amount of rain that pelted it, sending an uncomfortable, damp chill to your gem and making you feel heavy beneath its weight. You couldn't even see through your sodden bangs that stuck to your face.

Your form itself was beginning to wear itself; as its usual (color) complexion was dulled in color and would subtly glitch and crackle from the amount of energy you were using. You were even heaving for breath as you hobbled slowly along the soggy terrain, barely able to keep your balance as your numb paws sank into puddles.

I don't know how much longer I can do this...

You were about ready to buckle when a warm mass pressed against your side, preventing you from falling over.

Come on... you need to hold out a bit longer!

You barely registered the concerned squeak over the heavy pounding of the raindrops thudding against the puddle filled landscape, as you simply groaned in response, your paws and hooves throbbing from the simple action of holding yourself up.

There was a desperate whine and you felt yourself get hauled onto a firm yet malleable surface. I got you... come on... just a bit further... you can do this! She urged as you just whimpered inaudibly, too weak to even try to open your eyes.

"Just... just hold on... please..." you felt the smooth, segments beneath your body move smoothly against you as your beloved moved through the drenched environment at a much quicker pace. "Just... give me a bit more time... I... I can do this...! I just need to get out of these trees... and try to find a-"

There was a rasped gasp as the movement came to a sudden pause.


Just as the movement resumed, at a much faster pace, you somehow found the strength to crack an eye open, and find that you were no longer in the watery woods, but a wide open beach. With a grunt, you moved your head towards the direction you were heading.

From behind a flurry of thick light-cream colored mane, you saw you were approaching some sort of small fort-like structure nestled in the hands of a massive, rather unfamiliar statute. You were too tired to try to figure out what, or who, as your mate scurried beneath the structure, putting a stop to the rain's merciless assault on your already frail form. A raspy sigh left your mate as she settled you down to the soft grass.

"There... away from the rain. We... we should be safe here for now."

Your felt the warmth of your beloved as she wrapped herself around you, to shield you from the chilly wind.

"Let's all rest up here for now... then I'll figure out what to do from there..."

That sounded good, as you nestled your muzzle into soft mane.

"Sleep tight, (name)."

Good night... Centi.

Centipeedle x mother Corrupt gem reader scenariosWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu