👽 Things worth protecting💧

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"Log date 2-4-22, the mother corruption has been notably more active these past few earth cycles. Though she is slow and cumbersome, she shows very promising signs of strength and awareness. It would seem that the silicon dioxide has been working well for her form. As well as the... rose quartz... water the pearl has been bringing appeared to do some good as well. And with these improvements, the sire has been less hostile upon approaching, making observations much more simpler. Right now, the mother corruption is at the pool with lapis and pumpkin. And since the sire has gone mineral hunting, I'll be able to get a clearer reading on the gemling development. Peridot out."


"Is that better, big fella?"

You rumbled softly in contentment as lapis soaks your head in cool pond water, relaxing further against her lap, making sure not to crush her with your back. Lapis chuckles, gently tracing the base of your horn with her finger with one hand and the other running her fingers through your thick hair, enjoying the silky texture of it. You stretched out in the pond, enjoying the refreshing coolness that seeped into your fur, and occasionally splashing some onto your midriff, that slightly stuck out of the water. Pumpkin, who was floating in a tire nearby, would occasionally paddle their way over to it and give it a few sticky kisses or to just bump into it lightly with the tire playfully.

You heard the sound of footsteps approaching, but you were too comfy to move or open your eyes. Lapis took care of identifying who was coming over. "Hey, peridot." She simply greeted as the green gem stood at the pond's edge, tape recorder in hand. Lapis returned her attention to you, smiling at the soft purrs that emanated from your throat. "Lookit how relaxed she is right now." She mused, reaching forward to lightly squish your face lightly with both hands. "Can you believe that a corrupt gem could be so calm?"

"Well, let's not forget that this particular corruption is also capable of speech and rational thought." Peridot reminded, contemplating your half-submerged form, her eyes focused on you tum. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have geodes to examine." Peridot claps her hands twice. "Carrier (gem), I believe you know the drill."

"Mhm," you muttered, your tail rising up from the water and dangled over her. "But please start calling (name) by her name."

Peridot grumbles in response, jumping up and gripping your tail tip, prompting you gently moved her over to your belly, where she plopped herself down on it. After getting situated, she clicked a button on her recorder and began with her usual examination procedure.

"Now beginning health check on subject (Number); corrupted (gem) (facet) (cut) carrier. Better known as the (name)." She spoke professionally into the box, and lapis had to stifle a snort of amusement. "Are you ready, (gem)?"

"Yes." You replied.

"Then let's begin," She clears her metaphoric throat and continues on with her check up.

"How have you been feeling these past few earth cycles?"

"...tired. Very tired. But overall fine."

"Uh-huh... have you been experiencing any forms of pain in your limbs and/or gravity connectors?"

"Sometimes. Mostly first thing in the morning. Nothing bad, though."

"Mmhm... how about your feeding habits? Has the sire gem been satisfying your cravings?"

"Yes. Steven and the gems help with that to."

Her eyes narrowed slightly at this. "Right... now for the gemling activity." She looks down and pokes lightly at the surface of your tum. "Have you felt any activity recently?"

You chuckled half-heartedly. "A lot."

"Uh huh..." she mutters, pushing at your tum lightly. Pumpkin then started paddling her way over in their to you again, wearing a playful grin. "On a scale of one to 1 to 10, how prominent is this activity?"

You hummed softly in thought. "On a scale from 1 to 10..." you squinted. "(Name) would say..."



The second Pumpkin bumped her tire into your belly again, you flinched at a particularly strong kick, which startled the green gem so bad, she nearly lost her balance and fell into the water. Lapis flinched at the sudden reactions and ran her fingers through your hair comfortingly.

After a moment of being tense, you let out a long sigh, chuckling softly. "A... solid 12."

"I-it would seem that their strength has increased over these past few cycles..." Peridot sat in a brief bout of shock, but cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure. "A... promising sign..." she readjusted her position, and decided to conclude her check-up recording.

"Ahem... according to these results, I can conclude the carrier is in adequate shape and the gemling's development has come along especially well. Hopefully, these results will remain all the way to the eventual arrival. After which, I shall move into the observation gemling stage. Peridot out."

And with a click the check up was done.

"You know Peridot, it kinda seems like you're excited to be able to meet these gemlings," Lapis muses, playing with a strand of your mane between her fingers. "You talk about them so much even though you haven't even met them yet."

Peridot lifts her brow at the blue gem. "Well of course I am. From the amount of data I've gathered, these gemlings without a doubt will just be more stevens." She stated. "And very similar to said steven..." her mouth in the shape of a very vague smile.

" her mouth in the shape of a very vague smile

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"...they are things worth protecting."

I really don't like drawing peri's hair.

Whoever thought triangle was a valid hair style-!?

And yeah, sorry about if you felt any forms of discomfort here.

Centipeedle x mother Corrupt gem reader scenariosΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα